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Agenda Item

14 15-0352 Subject: Declaring A Shelter Crisis In The City Of Oakland From: Office Of The Mayor And Councilmember Guillén Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Declaring A Shelter Crisis In The City Of Oakland, Making Findings That A Significant Number Of Persons Are Without The Ability To Obtain Shelter, And That The Situation Has Resulted In A Threat To The Health And Safety Of Those Persons And Suspending Planning, Zoning, And Other Permit Requirements

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    Tonya Love about 9 years ago

    I like the declaration, but I hope there are actions that will come in the future to help eliminate the crisis.

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    Eleanor Casson about 9 years ago

    I don't know if the numbers have actually changed or if those without shelter have simply become more visible in recent months, but it feels like the number of homeless people in Oakland has skyrocketed recently. Let us please look for creative and compassionate solutions to helping these people find permanent, stable housing. Declaring a shelter crisis seems alike a great first step, as long as it is followed with action. Please take action on this item tonight, and please continue to make this a priority.