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Agenda Item

9.3 15-0406 Subject: DDA For 2330 Webster Street & 2315 Valdez Street From: Economic & Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt An Ordinance Authorizing The City Administrator, Without Returning To The City Council, To Negotiate And Execute A Disposition And Development Agreement (DDA) And Related Documents Between The City Of Oakland And TDP Webster, LLC Or A Related Entity Or Affiliate That Provides For (1) The Sale Of Two Contiguous City-Owned Parcels Located At 2330 Webster Street And 2315 Valdez Street To Developer For Their Combined Appraised Market Value Of $9,450,000; (2) TDP Webster's Construction On The Property Of A Residential Mixed-Use Project, Including Ground Floor Retail Space And A Public Parking Garage; (3) The City's Purchase From TDP Webster, LLC Of The Public Parking Garage For A Cost Not To Exceed $13,468,780; (4) Negotiation And Execution Of Agreements Providing For Easements And Entry Rights And Other Matters Required For The Operation And Maintenance Of The Public Parking Garage; And (5) Negotiation And Execution Of Amendments To Existing Parking License Agreement With Third Parties To Facilitate Development Of The Project