Meeting Time: January 26, 2016 at 1:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3 15-0311 Subject: Citywide Impact Fee Nexus Study Report From: President Pro Tempore Reid Recommendation: Receive A Report And Possible Action On A Citywide Housing, Transportation, and Capital Improvement Impact Fee Proposal

  • 605561003
    Tonya Love almost 9 years ago

    I support the commission of the report but hope you will take action! Despite statements from city officials, I do believe that Oakland is in a state of housing crisis and elected officials can no longer afford to sit on this. We need real housing protections for current residents in Oakland, not just talk or discussion. please: 1. Declare a state of emergency for the affordable housing crisis. 2. Place a moratorium on decisions made about future developments until a impact fee plan is put into place. 3. Develop a timeline for a housing equity roadmap. 4. Support the E12th Housing Development proposal. Thank you! :)