Meeting Time: March 24, 2016 at 10:45am PDT
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Agenda Item

4.1 15-0809 Subject: Informational Report Regarding Utah SB 246 From: Member Of The Public Recommendation: 1) A Request That City Attorney Barbara Parker Provide The Oakland City Council An Informational Report Immediately So That The Council Will Be Able To Consider Their Options, Including Litigation Against The State Of Utah Related To Utah"S State Senator' Stewart Adam's Senate Bill 246 Requiring The Use Utah's Public Tax Dollars For Funding For A Proposed Coal Terminal In Oakland Which Would Be Detrimental To The Public Safety And Health To Oakland Residents; And 2) That The Council Direct Attorney Barbara Parker To Contact California Attorney General Kamala Harris And Request That She Contact Utah's Attorney General Sean Reyes And Indicate To Him That The State Of California Is Prepared To File A Lawsuit If Utah's Governor Gary Herbert Signs SB 246 Because This Bill Is Detrimental To The Public Safety And Health To The Residence Of The State Of California And Particularly To The Residence Of The City Of Oakland To Which The $53 Million Dollars Of Public Tax Dollars Are Intended To Be Used For A Coal Terminal In The City Of Oakland (Emergency); On The April 5, 2016 City Council Agenda Or ASAP