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Agenda Item

12 15-0732 Subject: Declaration Of Housing State Of Emergency And Moratorium From: Member Of The Public Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Declaring, Renewing And Continuing The City Council's Declaration Of A Local Housing Emergency Due To The Severe Impacts And Calamities Caused By The Critical Housing Shortage, Lack Of Affordable Home Ownership Opportunities And Skyrocketing Rental Rates Causing Displacement Of Long-Term Residents And Gentrification; Establishing A 90-Day Moratorium On No-Cause Evictions And On Rent Increases Not Authorized By Existing Rent Control Provisions; And

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    Kate Walsham over 8 years ago

    I am a district 2 resident and I have seen friends and community members displaced from Oakland due to rapidly increasing rents and evictions. I believe that this is a sensible step that should have a baseline goal of expanding Oakland's existing rent control protections to cover all Oakland tenants.

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    KS Peters over 8 years ago

    Housing is a human right, and right now housing is inaccessible for a large majority of Oakland residents. While businesses and contractors are being given priority to Oakland property, residents are being pushed out of their neighborhoods and unable to afford new rent anywhere else in the city. I am a teacher in Oakland, and I see students frequently coming into school tired, not fed, and fearful because their housing is unstable and they are not sure where they are going to live next week, or perhaps even that evening. Homelessness rates are increasing, yet the harassment and policing of those without a stable place to live is increasing. Poverty is not a crime and should not be treated as such. The state is the one committing violence against those it is refusing to support, and in many ways actively leading to the displacement and poverty of its residents. I urge you to pass this moratorium so that a sustainable, community-driven solution can be found.

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    Hannah Jackson over 8 years ago

    I make $70,000/year, and I'm afraid of being priced out of the area I've lived and worked in my entire life. Something is wrong with this picture. I live in a significantly renovated building that is exempt from rent control. Monthly rent on units opening up in my building is 51% more than what I started paying two years ago. If my landlord decides to dramatically increase my rent (which is currently within their right), I'll lose not only my apartment but my community.

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    Gretchen Till over 8 years ago

    I support this and am in District 1.

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    Guadalupe Tovar over 8 years ago

    We are in a Housing Crisis! STOP ALL EVICTIONS AND RENT INCREASES!

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    Tonya Love over 8 years ago

    I'm a District 2 resident. I feel like I make a decent living, but by Oakland's AMI definition, I am actually low-income. The rent prices in my district are astronomical and I couldn't afford to live in my neighborhood if I were forced to move. I'm asking that you support this measure. Please also consider amendment items that have been/will be submitted by the coalition that drafted this item. In particular the following:
    1. Require owners to file a petition on rent increases dramatically over CPI.
    2. Make it illegal for owners to "deny" receiving rent payments of tenants.
    3. Immediately enact the “revised” Condominium Conversion Ordinance.
    4.Require a 5% fee to be paid by sellers to offset the disruptive effects of "flipping."
    5.Track and monitor "owner move-ins" for the first 2 years to assure that tenant displacement was legitimate.
    Finally, please *immediately* place the "Renter's Upgrade Ordinance" on the November 2016 Ballot. Email questions/comments to