Meeting Time: June 02, 2016 at 10:45am PDT
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Agenda Item

4.3 15-1145 Subject: Workforce Development Board FY 2016-17 Budget And Contracts From: Economic And Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution (1) Adopting The Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Workforce Investment Budget; (2) Accepting And Appropriating Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Formula Funds For Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth And Rapid Response Services; (3) Authorizing Contracts With Service Providers Competitively Selected By The Oakland Workforce Development Board To Provide Comprehensive, Sector Access, Business Engagement And Youth Services From WIOA Title I Formula Funds For Fiscal Year 2016-2017; (4) Accepting Grant Funds From The Bay Area Rapid Transit District For Workforce Development Services In The Amount $43,500; (5) Authorizing The City To Apply For, Accept And Appropriate Grants And Contributions For Workforce Development Services Beyond The WIOA Title I Formula Funding Up To $200,000 With The Approval Of The Oakland Workforce Development Board Without Returning To Council; And (6) Authorizing A Contract With Civicorps To Provide Youth Services Using Unencumbered Funds From Fiscal Year 2015-16 In The Amount Of $106,864; On June 14, 2016 Community And Economic Development Committee Agenda