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Agenda Item

15-1209 2) A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To (1) Execute A Consent To The Conveyance By Macarthur Transit Community Partners, LLC ("MTCP") To A Joint Venture Between Boston Properties, LP Or Related Entity, And McGrath Properties, Inc., Or Related Entity, Of Parcel B-1 And B-2 Of The Macarthur Bart Transit Village For Development Of One Residential Mixed-Use Project, Pursuant To The Terms Of A Development Agreement ("DA") Between The City Of Oakland And MTCP And (2) Consent To The Partial Assignment Of The Da, As Such Conveyance And Assignment Are Not Projects Under The California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), And Separately And Independently Relying On The Previously Certified 2008 Environmental Impact Report Per CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162-15164,15183, 15183.3, And 15168 And 15180