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S-7.22 15-1216 Subject: PRIME Maintenance Agreement From: Information Technology Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Her Designee To: 1. Enter Into A Premier Maintained Application (PMA) Maintenance Agreement With Microsoft Corporation To Support And Maintain The Second Generation Early Warning System For The Oakland Police Department For A Total Estimated Three-Year Cost Not To Exceed One Million Two Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($1,220,000) Of Which: A. The First Year Cost Of The PMA Will Be Three Hundred Eighty Four Thousand Six Hundred And Forty-Four Dollars ($384,644) To Be Appropriated From Already Budgeted Funds, And B. Years Two And Three Cost Of The PMA Will Not Exceed Eight Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six Dollars ($856,356) To Be Funded Via The Oakland Police Department Operations And Maintenance (O&M) Budget To Be Finalized And Brought To The City Council For Approval During The City's 2017-2019 Budget Process 2. Waive The Advertising, Bidding And Request For Proposals/Qualifications ("RFP/Q") Competitive Selection Requirements For This Agreement (Or Agreements, If Three Separate Agreements Are Required)