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Agenda Item

11 15-1035 Subject: Police Commission Charter Amendment Measure From: Councilmembers Noel Gallo And Dan Kalb Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution On The City Council's Own Motion Submitting To The Voters At The November 8, 2016 Statewide General Election 1) A Proposed Amendment To The City Charter To Create The Oakland Police Commission, The Community Police Review Agency, And A Process For Police Discipline And 2) A Proposed Enabling Ordinance Relating To The Oakland Police Commission And The Community Police Review Agency, And Directing The City Clerk To Take Any And All Actions Necessary Under Law To Prepare For And Conduct The Election

  • 605561003
    Tonya Love over 8 years ago

    Please don't water down the people's police accountability measure. We need an independent, community-driven Police Commission to ensure real accountability in Oakland. Ensure that it's independent by preventing direct appointments by the
    Mayor. Make sure it's community-based by preventing current or former law enforcement officers from serving on the commission.
    The independent monitor in San Jose said we can't have community/police unity without accountability. Police must be held liable for misconduct. An truly independent commission would allow this. Please, make sure this commission has strong community input and independence from the Mayor, city administration, and police unions. Thank you, Tonya Love- District 2.

  • 10159967126578887
    Jim Hopkins over 8 years ago

    If the police department desires to gain the lasting trust of the community it is important that this commission be established. It seems clear that the police department serves the community best when it is clearly and directly accountable to the community.