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3 OPEN FORUM / CITIZEN COMMENTS (Time Available: 15 Minutes)

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    Daniel Franco about 8 years ago

    RE: Tree removal permit T15-125 (550 Vernon Street
    I decry the rigged process that has led to the killing of a 108 year old Redwood tree in the heart of Oakland. It's shameful that this tree was destroyed so that the owners could park their RV in their driveway. It's also criminal that the branches of Oakland government were twisted and gnarled in such a way as to allow it to happen. Those responsible must be held to account.
    The Planning Dept. broke the law by allowing the murder of the tree, and did so with the guidance of a Signature Development worker, Frank Flores, (he double-dips as a part-time city employee). He's induced full time employees Rose, Zahn, and Cappiola to be derelict in their duties by subverting the PRAC's final ruling.
    Signature have placed their slimy hands on the gears of city bureaucracy and lubed them in such a way as to bypass this chamber. At what point will you denounce these clowns? We citizens deserve better, they are subverting that right.