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Agenda Item

11 16-0557 Subject: Downtown Oakland Specific Plan And EIR From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Adopt One Of The Following Two pieces Of Legislation 1) A. Execute A Professional Services Contract With I-SEEED Team Of Consultants, In An Amount Not To Exceed $255,000 For Services Related To The Downtown Oakland Specific Plan Social Equity Strategy Without Returning To Council; And B. Amend The Professional Services Contract Between The City Of Oakland And Dover, Kohl & Partners In The Amount Of Four Hundred Fifty Three Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($453,440), Plus An Additional Project Contingency Amount Of Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) For An Overall Amount Not To Exceed The Amount Of Four Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Four Hundred Forty ($498,440), For Enhanced Services Related To The Downtown Oakland Specific Plan And Environmental Impact Report Without Returning To Council; And C. Apply For, Accept, And Appropriate Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) From The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Program Funds For Enhanced Transportation, Economic And Environmental Analysis To Develop A Comprehensive Transit-Oriented Development Strategy For Downtown Oakland That Will Help Increase Transit Ridership By Encouraging Reverse Commuting To Oakland Without Returning To Council; And D. Enter Into A Memorandum Of Understanding With Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) For The FTA Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Program Funds Without Returning To Council; Or