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Agenda Item

8 16-0706 Subject: Salary Ordinance Amendment From: Human Resources Management Department Recommendation: Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Salary Schedule of Ordinance No. 12187 C.M.S. ("Salary Ordinance") To Add the Full-Time Classification of Head Start ERSEA (Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment and Attendance) and Data Program Coordinator; To Add the Part-Time Classification of Fireboat Attendant, PT; To Add the Full-Time and Permanent Part-Time Classifications of US&R (Urban Search and Rescue) Warehouse And Logistics Specialist; To Add the FullTime Classification of Van Driver; To Amend the Title of Head Start Nutrition Coordinator to Head Start Health and Nutrition Coordinator; To Adjust the Representation Unit of the Classification of Energy Engineer Ill; and Delete the Full-Time Classifications of Zoo Keeper and Zoo Keeper Ill