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Agenda Item

9.2 16-1138 Subject: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13387 C.M.S. From: Economic Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Ordinances No. 13313 C.M.S., No. 13346 C.M.S., And No.13387 C.M.S. (Collectively "The Authorizing Ordinance") To Extend The Term Of The Ground Lease Between The City, The Spanish Speaking Unity Council And The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation And/Or Related Entities For The Development Of Mixed Income Housing For The Fruitvale Transit Village Phase IIA From A Term Of Sixty-Six (66) Years To Ninety-Nine (99) Years

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    Miguel LaRosa about 7 years ago

    This Deal Violates...
    • The Brown Act, Gov. Code 54950 et seq.;
    • The City of Oakland Sunshine Ordinance, Oakland Municipal Code chapter 2.20;

    The Oakland City Council, SSUC, EBALCD has misapplies the real estate negotiation exception to the open-meeting requirements of the Brown Act and the Oakland Sunshine Ordinance, thereby shielding the deliberative processes – including discussions and debates regarding project vision, project scope, feasibility issues, community benefits, and the ultimate selection of a developer – from public scrutiny.

    I have proven 3 Times that the Unity Council under direction of Rosy Davalos, a Wells Fargo VP, lead the SSUC to misappropriate funds in 2012 Wells Settlement, City Lift Funds, thru Neighborworks America. $557,000. Paid by CMS 13387 Monies. and will pay back in Construction loan. Illegal practice. Use of $3,050,000 in GPF of SSUC. The produced Accounting Letter Dated June 9. 2017 is self serving, and misstates the Law.