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Agenda Item

16-1327 2) A Resolution (1) Adopting The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Workforce Investment Budget; (2) Accepting And Appropriating Workforce Innovation And Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Formula Funds For Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth And Rapid Response Services In The Estimated Amount Of $4,016,853; (3) Appropriating An Additional $500,000 From The General Fund For Workforce Development; And (4) Authorizing Contracts With Service Providers Competitively Selected By The Oakland Workforce Development Board To Provide Comprehensive, Specialized, Business Engagement And Youth Services From WIOA Title I Formula Funds And Other Funds For Fiscal Year 2017-2018

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    Carla Dupins about 7 years ago

    Option B is so important to the city of Oakland and the Oakland workforce system. There are so many people who depend on the WIOA programs. These programs are sometimes the only source of hope available when looking for assistance or work. They not only care but they go over and beyond the call of duty to help with locating job opportunities and in getting the job. It would be to the people of Oakland's benefit to appropriate the additional funds. It is so needed.

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    Robin Raveneau about 7 years ago

    Option B is crucial to Oakland's workforce system. The $500,000 will help support and sustain job services to the people who need it the most. While not sufficient funding for the system, it is good movement in the right direction. Support Option B!

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    Mayra Ramirez about 7 years ago

    I am in big support of WIOA budget option B. I work with clients who are looking for work on a daily basis. I know our services are needed, really needed. We serve everybody who is looking for employment. We see more and more clients coming to us in need of a job. Clients who need our help to be connected to the right position. Many of this clients are limited English. Many of them are also new to this country. We assist them in their own language. Our funding is limited as of now but we never deny services to anyone. We know that clients count on us. Please fund our program and help our community. I live in Oakland and want my community to be safer. I know jobs are a big factor for a safety city.

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    gay cobb about 7 years ago

    Urging you to support Budget "B" from the Oakland Workforce Development Board. Though it does require support from the GPF, that support is only half of what the city contributed in 16/17...and times are obviously more difficult now for persons needing job assistance. Btw: Budget "A" eliminates, completely, funding for the East and West Oakland Neighborhood Career Centers --- a circumstance that reduces public safety, increases displacement of our residents, etc. Thanks.

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    Anthony DAcci about 7 years ago

    Dear Special Concurrent Meeting,

    Please vote in favor of this budget. Consider this, the City of Oakland has a higher unemployment rate and nearly 4 times the population of the City of Richmond, yet the City of Richmond provides a 6 to 1 match for their WIOA Funds, City of Oakland needs to put real skin in the game.

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    Randi Stewart about 7 years ago

    Current budgets fail to provide funding for our neighborhood career centers