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Agenda Item

11 16-1141 Subject: Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-19 Budget Adoption From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Authorizing The Use Of One-Time Revenues And Excess Real Estate Transfer Tax Revenues For Purposes Other Than Those Denoted In The City's Consolidated Fiscal Policy Adopting A Finding Of Necessity, And Describing Prospective Steps To Be Taken To Return To The Prescribed Uses Of Said Revenues

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    Cecelia Jones about 7 years ago

    Please pass the Brooks/Kaplan Budget. Oakland is running out of time to become the inclusive city that you purport to desire. Business as usual, is contributing to creating a crisis of American refugees.

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    Rajiv Kanani about 7 years ago

    I am a resident and teacher in the Fruitvale district. I started teaching in Oakland 9 years ago, and I'm now raising my family here in Oakland. The budget that Oakland NEEDS to pass is the Kaplan/Brooks Budget. This is the only option to equitably support Oakland residents and fend off the problems that face our community.

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    S Sullivan about 7 years ago

    I urge The Conservative Caucus of the Oakland City Council (Guillen, Reid, Campbell-Washington, & McElhaney) to pass the PEOPLES Budget! To Defund OPD and special interest groups. I Urge you to redirect the funds from OPD to Job training, the arts, and the city workers. Do no vote in support of police abuse or reward OPD regardless of their disrespectful and often violent behavior.

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    Quincy Carroll about 7 years ago

    I am a resident of District 2 who is concerned about the proposed city budget for next year. I cannot - and hope you will not - support a plan that gives more money to OPD when those funds are so desperately needed elsewhere.

    Four nights ago, while I was reading in bed, a homeless gentleman climbed the three flights to my wife and my apartment and started knocking on our door. He was clearly disoriented and mentally unstable. After talking to him for a while, we called Alameda Social Services, then Mental Health Services of Alameda County, but their responses were the same: there was no one to pick him up (other than the cops), and there was nowhere for him to go.

    Homelessness is one of the most serious problems currently facing us as a society. It requires a renewed commitment to investment in community services such as mental healthcare for the public and affordable housing.

    I hope the Oakland City Council passes a budget which accurately addresses the needs of the people.

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    Andrea Nieto about 7 years ago

    As a young person of Oakland, student and community members it is crucial that the conservative caucus' selfish and dangerous budget proposal which they have tried to force feed to the people of Oakland, is shut down and Oakland is Refunded and OPD defunded! Pass the People's Budget!

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    Ismael Armendariz about 7 years ago

    As an OUSD resident and OUSD Teacher, I support #REFUNDOAKLAND #DEFUNDOPD #PassBrooks/KaplanBudget. Our students need a budget that uplifts them.