Meeting Time: December 14, 2017 at 10:45am PST
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Agenda Item

17-0377 4. A Resolution Authorizing Affordable Housing Development Loans As Funds Become Available In A Total Amount Not To Exceed $13.5 Million, And Approving Funding Awards From The City Of Oakland's Base Allocation From The Alameda County Housing Bond (Measure A1) In A Total Amount Not To Exceed $34.4 Million, Without Returning To Council, For The Following Affordable Housing New Construction Projects: Camino 23, Coliseum Place, Macarthur Apartments, 3268 San Pablo, Fruitvale Transit Village Phase II B, 7th And Campbell, 3801 MLK Family Housing, W. Grand And Brush, Oak Hill Apartments, And 34th And San Pablo Family Housing

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    Miguel LaRosa about 7 years ago

    Not meeting the 6 month Bond window by failing to start Construction of FVII A by Nov13, 2017. Can all of you tell me how this is NOT mismanaged. The thing I find interesting here is the Unity Council of Alameda County, dba Spanish Speaking Unity Council, or is it the other Way? Anyway in the Oct 17 BART presentation, they provided funding statements claiming $48,1 Mil in development costs... $32,500,000.00 or so in ACTUAL construction Costs. That was with a $2,350,000.00 contribution from the City. I figure after Today that project goes to around $75,000,000.00 in Development costs. With the gifts from NOFA... I want to know how all of you justify $40,000,000.00 Development cost to all of those stuck in cold on Street that will never see the warmth of the $1million Dollar 1 & 2 BR units at Casa Arabella.... Like I said where is the Radioisotope thermonuclear Generator? Cost of a Cruise Missile. + The original $15,000,000.00 to create 2009 EIS? This IS NOT AFFORDABLE.