Meeting Time: April 10, 2018 at 1:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

9 18-0298 Subject: Training And Job Center Program And Disbursement Process From: Councilmembers Brooks And Gallo Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Establishing The Cypress Mandela Training Program, Men Of Valor And Laborers Community Training Foundation, And The City Sponsored Job Centers Account; Authorizing The Allocation Of 5% Of The City's Capital Improvement Projects Costs, And 5% Of The Parking Fund Gross Revenues; And Allocating 5% Of Development Services Fun Gross Revenues; And $0.30 Cents Per Work Hour Contractor Contribution To The Cypress Mandela Training Program, Men Of Valor And Laborers Community Training Foundation, And The City Sponsored Job Centers Fund; Establishing A Method For Calculating Cypress Mandela Training Program, Men Of Valor And Laborers Community Training Foundation, And The City Sponsored Job Centers Appropriations Of Capital Projects And Contractor Contribution; Establishing Method Of Administering Cypress Mandela Training Program, Men Of Valor And Laborers Community Training Foundation, And The City Sponsored Job Centers; And Establishing General Guidelines For The Administration Of The Cypress Mandela Training Program, Men Of Valor And Laborers Community Training Foundation, And The City Sponsored Job Centers Whereas, The Oakland City Council, In Accordance With The Provisions Of The Charter Of The City Of Oakland, The State Law, And Applicable Ordinances Of The City, Have Reviewed And Recommended This Ordinance

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    Scott Law over 6 years ago

    Why can't tax money be distributed to job training centers like all other spending projects ? I.e. issue an RFP, receive bids, evaluate best bid, award contract with performance goals and monitoring provisions. This proposal sounds like the establishment of an ongoing slush fund to politically connected groups with no provision for matching funds flow to performance or results - ie these particular groups get 5% regardless of whether that amount is actually needed.

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    David Rieger over 6 years ago

    The secrecy, a rebuke by the citizen oversight committee, non-compete clauses and diverting monies for their intended purpose? This is a shameful and unconscionable money grab for private interests by bullies and their connected friends.

    Yet again we witness our hard earned money spent on pet projects without oversight. Another salient reason to note against Property Taxes because every time we do our money is taken for other purposes.

    Enough is enough. Absolutely shameful.

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    Pat Sagisi over 6 years ago

    This proposal represents a broad overreach by the council against the specific wishes of the voters, as expressed in Measure KK, and does NOT go towards fulfilling the specific and important Measure KK mandates of infrastructure and affordable housing. As a concerned citizen, I do NOT support diversion of any funds from the Measure KK funds, Parking revenues, or Developoment services to organizations with a less than stellar record of job force development. I agree with prior posters that a better effort would be to (and NOT by diverting pre-allocated funds from Measure KK) reduce the $30M+ deficit faced by OUSD and support our schools vs. the ill-thought out plan being proposed by the council, which does not contain the proper transparency of bidding process, oversight, or clarity, and as stated before, goes agains the explicit instructions of the voters by diverting Measure KK and other funds away from their intended, and best, use.

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    Sandra Cormier over 6 years ago

    My husband and I voted for Measure KK in good faith that the money would be spent, as promised, on infrastructure and affordable housing. How is it that money from this Measure can now be diverted to the Training and Job Center Program? Given the ever increasing homeless population and the condition of our roads, this money needs to go where it was intended. If money were to be diverted in any way, it should be to OUSD to better prepare our children to enter the workforce or college. There are apprenticeship programs to provide the type of training being proposed. Given the fact that Fernando Ramos is connected to Laborers' Community Training Foundation and also responsible for oversight of KK is concerning, as is the fact that Desley Brooks has proposed that the competitive bidding requirements be waived. The Measure KK funds must be used as promised and not diverted to other programs.

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    Ronald Wacker over 6 years ago

    Job training is important but it should not be funded by diverting funds from other sources. I did not vote for KK for even 5% of funds to be diverted this way. AND any monies to private organizations should be granted through competitive bidding. Note that you risk no votes on future bond and tax issues if the public can’t trust how the city council will spend the money.