8 18-1580 Subject: Measure KK Funding Reallocations
From: Transportastion Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Reallocating Three Million Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Dollars ($3,250,000.00) In Funds Within The Fiscal Year 2018-19 Capital Improvement Program Budget For Measure KK Infrastructure Bonds (Fund 5330) From Various Projects To Street Resurfacing
KK funding to paving projects should have been more evenly focused for all the neighborhoods of Oakland. It appears it is reverse discrimination to the areas that have contributed the most. While I agree that the infrastructure in Oakland is in dire need if certain areas are left for another 2-3 years those roads will be rubble.
KK funding to paving projects should have been more evenly focused for all the neighborhoods of Oakland. It appears it is reverse discrimination to the areas that have contributed the most. While I agree that the infrastructure in Oakland is in dire need if certain areas are left for another 2-3 years those roads will be rubble.