Meeting Time: March 27, 2020 at 11:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

6 20-0270 Subject: Team Oakland Contract Extension From: Oakland Public Works Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending City Council Resolution No. 87653 C.M.S. To Authorize A Three-Year Contract Extension With The Youth Employment Partnership To Implement Team Oakland Program From June 30, 2020, To June 30, 2023, In An Amount Not To Exceed Three Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($375,000.00) Per Year And Waive The Advertising And Proposal Qualifications Requirement Associated With Said Contract

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    Morgan Palmer almost 5 years ago

    Team Oakland is an excellent program that many students look forward to each summer. Kids come back every year excited to see what’s next and what new activity they can do to better their community. For a lot of kids in the program, Team Oakland helps them stay out of trouble and focus more on obtaining their goals. I want these kids to continue to believe that they don’t have to be a statistic, and learn there is a way out. The team leaders are all local college students or have recently graduated from college so we are the proof and the example for them. I’ve seen many of my past kids finish high school and go to college and that’s what makes me the happiest. The program works and I want it to continue to work for the kids. I am Morgan Palmer former Team
    Oakland Team Leader and support the contract extension.

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    Dan Schmitz almost 5 years ago

    My name is Dan Schmitz, and I am the Lead Pastor of New Hope Covenant Church. I would like to support YEP in the continuation of their contract for Team Oakland. Team Oakland is a fixture in my neighborhood (Oak Tree) and it has been a first time job for many youth that I work with. I have seen youth move up from cleaning the streets one year to managing crews the next, and am aware of the impact that that kind of leadership development can have for a youth with otherwise limited opportunities. Especially as we head into some uncertain months because of the Coronavirus, we need to ensure that we are protecting opportunities for vulnerable youth.

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    Kevin Charles almost 5 years ago

    Team Oakland Youth Program prepare youth for the work world, explore career interests and build work-related skills with a supplementing income. Providing practical work experience for young people is important because it enhances academic aspirations while further developing soft and technical skills necessary for success.

    For the past two or more years, Environmental Stewardship Division paired Team Oakland participants with Parks Services' gardeners. This collaboration resulted in multiple park beautification projects throughout the City of Oakland parks including sheet mulching, vegetation management and site ecosystem restoration.

    I support the continuation of Team Oakland Youth Program.

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    Deja Walker almost 5 years ago

    My name is Deja Walker, I was a former member of Team Oakland for two years and I appreciate every mentor and group leader there. They made sure we get the job done, and also taught us how to care and have a better appreciation for our community.
    The Team Oakland leaders and staff taught us how to be better professionals at work with the trainings. I also really appreciated how they always make sure we are safe In the environment at all times. With us being out in the streets of West Oakland we would see many dangerous and questionable things, but I never felt unsafe thanks to the supervisor of my team leader and our counselor. I support the contract extension because it gives youth like me a job and keeps us out of trouble each summer. I would love to thank everyone from Team Oakland for giving all of us the opportunity to get a job and learn about working, the environment, and adult life as a teenager.

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    Dajah White almost 5 years ago

    I like being apart of Team Oakland, because it allows me and my peers to clean up our city, and meet new people from all across Oakland. We made a positive impact on the community because people noticed us and always thanked us when they seen us picking up trash. It also felt good cleaning up people’s neighborhoods who we didn’t know because I knew they would share in that same excitement as others that we had seen. Working with people I didn’t know was really fun, the leaders made it for us all to got along. I even made new friends from being in team Oakland. Completing the special projects was even more fun because it was something new every Wednesday that related to science or gardening. Outside from picking up trash, I learned a lot about gardening and the environment. Some outcomes I learned was encouraging people not to litter, and never be afraid to try new things. I would join team Oakland again. I support the YEP Team Oakland Contract extension.

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    Anna Schmidt almost 5 years ago

    Friends of Sausal Creek (FOSC) supports the contract extension with YEP to implement the Team Oakland Program. Partnering with Team Oakland provides a unique opportunity for FOSC and the youth participants of Team Oakland to impact Oakland’s unique urban environment. With FOSC, Team Oakland members learn about and experience their local watershed system and its ecology and various environmental stewardship careers. Many local youth, unfamiliar with Oakland parks and open spaces, connect with these green spaces by getting their hands dirty weeding, planting native plants, and engaging in other restoration activities. Stewarding the land helps cultivate a love for the environment, and ultimately supports the development of our next generation of Oakland environmental stewards and activists. Support Team Oakland in providing our youth with an opportunity to know, love, and preserve their urban parks and open spaces.
    Anna Marie Schmidt, Executive Director
    Friends of Sausal Creek

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    Gemini Mapp almost 5 years ago

    YEP's Team Oakland Program allowed me to enjoy getting to know new people and seeing my community in a different light and give back to my community. Oakland has many negative stigmas, but I believe the impact of this program helps change that for many people. The Team Oakland program has kept kids off the street and gave them something productive to do instead. We were taught new skills to help become more successful in the job market, but to also change our negative qualities into positive strengths. To not only how to be more environmentally friendly but also I learned that I am very happy to be apart of this community making forward change to the city of Oakland. I love how they are getting youth to see the community different light along with educating them on how to better take care of their neighborhood. It’s important to learn about your community and see it how it’s suppose to be beautiful and clean. It feels good to give back to the community that gave so much to me.

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    Tavante Johnson almost 5 years ago

    I enjoyed YEP’s Team Oakland program, it taught me a lot of life long-lasting skills. Things like the employment trainings we had to take before we started working. They taught me skills such as how to prepare for a job interview and their question, proper networking skills, and resume building. I learned a lot about the environment and the importance of picking up trash. Before joining Team Oakland I didn’t care about litter or even find it an important cause, but now that I have learned how it affects not just in Oakland but the whole world. Now I will hold my trash till I find a dumpster rather than leave it on the ground. One of my favorite training we had was at the East Bay MUD Water Treatment plant in West Oakland. It was really cool seeing how they changed waste into clean drinking water, and just important this water is for our community. Now a student at Laney college and have taken more of an interest in environmental engineering, and pursuing a career in the field.

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    Ryan Webb almost 5 years ago

    I believe Team Oakland participants, and I, as their team leader, made a huge difference in the community. Not only the impact from the day to day clean up activities, but making relationships and engaging with the different businesses and individuals on our routes. It was fun working with people who I didn’t know including the kids. Over the course of the summer, my team became very close connection that by the end of the summer we felt more like one big family. I made life-long friends with some of the team leaders, whom I meet with to this day. Doing the special projects were some of the best parts because we learned something new about the area we worked in. We learned things learned about the environment, city of Oakland history, or of some other great resource of the city. Some outcomes I personally learned were how to be a better role model to the children and a better leader among my peers the team leaders.

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    Xochiti Diaz almost 5 years ago

    Team Oakland was a fun job I had this past summer. It was fun working with my team over facing the day to day challenges and completed the different activities the leaders and councilor had planned for us. I appreciated all the information they taught us and the guest speakers they came to visit us at the training. It was great to learn about all the different ways the city works to keep the city clean and protect the environment. It really added more value to the impact of the work we completed over the summer. It gave me a sense of pride to see that I was not just picking up trash but I was making Oakland a better place for future generations. It taught me that the work we were doing is part of a larger picture the city has planned for Oakland. I hope to see this program continue to grow and expand to continue the great work we started over the summer.

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    Xochiti Diaz almost 5 years ago

    Team Oakland was a fun job I had this past summer. It was fun working with my team over facing the day to day challenges and completed the different activities the leaders and councilor had planned for us. I appreciated all the information they taught us and the guest speakers they came to visit us at the training. It was great to learn about all the different ways the city works to keep the city clean and protect the environment. It really added more value to the impact of the work we completed over the summer. It gave me a sense of pride to see that I was not just picking up trash but I was making Oakland a better place for future generations. It taught me that the work we were doing is part of a larger picture the city has planned for Oakland. I hope to see this program continue to grow and expand to continue the great work we started over the summer.

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    Adela Mendoza almost 5 years ago

    This is Adela Mendoza and as a member of OakTown Proud I highly recommend for a program contract extension. Collaborating with adult and other high school students as well had helped me with having my voice being heard in my community. Not only have I been able to make a positive impact on my community by doing restoration, litter picking, and speaking events but I’ve also been able to educate myself on how one person could be a start to making a difference. Being able able to collaborate with adult in these professions has made a positive impact on me by allowing me to have different points of views on what it takes to accomplish one mission. I’m very grateful to have been able to be one of the first students to be in this pilot program and with that being said I support the program contract extension to give others the opportunity to be the change.

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    Sophia Trinh almost 5 years ago

    My name is Sophia Trinh, I was a participant of Team Oakland in 2019 and I had a great experience with YEP during that summer. During this experience, I was able to work with other youth that I've never met, and it has also brought me closer to a couple of youths I've known from the past. Cleaning Oakland and spreading awareness made me feel like I was apart of the community, this program taught me how important it is for us to clean up our city. I really enjoyed working with my team and made a difference to see how many people were grateful for our hard work. I support this extension so other youths and the future can have a splendid time and enjoy the city.

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    Chidima Ezeokoli almost 5 years ago

    I had a great experience this past summer with YEP and the Team Oakland Program. With recently moving to Oakland a few months before for school, Team Oakland helped me quickly get adjusted to the new city. Thanks to the program I was able to work with other youth, like me, that I would have normally never met, and was able to see beautiful places I didn’t know existed in Oakland. One of my favorites places was the special at the Woodminter Theater inside Joaquin Miller were we removed dead leave and debris to prevents wildfires. I really enjoyed working with the other teams that I didn’t get to see on my normal route. It made me feel good to have made a difference and to see that the firefighters were really thankful for our hard work. I definitely support this extension so other youth can learn to love the city like me.

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    Demareya Mcgee almost 5 years ago

    My name is Demareya Magee I was a participant of Team Oakland in 2018. Being apart of Team Oakland, cleaning Oakland helped me feel like an actual participant of the community that was making change. it would be amazing when my team and I would look back at an area or street we just cleaned and would be proud that we actually helped change where we live. The program taught me to be more aware of my trash and not throw it on the ground. Also, that Oakland needed more physical help stoping the trash and illegal dumping problems.