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Agenda Item

A 20-0274 Subject: On-Call Paving Contract Extension From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation; 1) A Resolution To Waive Advertising And Competitive Bidding And Increase The As-Needed Pavement Rehabilitation Services Contract With McGuire & Hester By An Amount Of Eleven Million Dollars ($11,000,000.00) From Ten Million, Nine Hundred And Eighty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($1 0,982,200.00) To A Total Contract Amount Of Twenty-One Million, Nine Hundred And Eighty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars ($21 ,982,200.00); And

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    Jared Gruendl almost 5 years ago

    Ray's Electric is writing this comment in support of contract "On Call Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project" as a local business, local property owner, local employer and a listed subcontractor with Gallagher & Burk. We are requesting your approval of the staff conditions and recommendations for approval of this item. Your approval will continue the support for local contractors with local employees. As you have demonstrated in the past, these types of decisions will have a positive impact of vast proportions for local businesses, locally employed residents and the local taxpayer at large.

    We look forward to your support on this contract "On Call Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project”.

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    Annie Hester almost 5 years ago

    As an employee of McGuire and Hester who also lives in Oakland, I strongly support extending this contract. This is an opportune time to fix our streets that are in much need of repair, as well as keep local residents employed in an otherwise financially unstable time. I know that McGuire and Hester will abide by the ever changing COVID19 safety standards to ensure the safety and health of their crews, as well as the general public.

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    randy somerday almost 5 years ago

    We all have been affected by the poor state of the City's streets and roads. The under-maintained streets, with their patches (if lucky) and potholes burden too many people with damage to wheels and tires, and lead to the premature wear of other vehicle parts. Expediting the repair of these streets will be a benefit to all Oakland residents and others who frequently use them.

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    Robert Doud almost 5 years ago

    McGuire and Hester has been an Oakland based contractor from its beginning in 1926. As an Oakland contractor we have employed hundreds if not thousands of local Oakland employees. This added contract will come at a much needed time due to the reduction in hours caused by Covid19. We have implemented OSHA Site Specific Covid19 Safety standards on all active jobs that will be working during these times. I strongly support increasing this contract with Mcguire and Hester, a company who deeply cares about the financial and safety of its employees.

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    Matthew Finley almost 5 years ago

    McGuire and Hester is an Oakland Business that employs dozens of City of Oakland residents. Please support local businesses by adopting this legislation.