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Agenda Item

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    Bruce Schmiechen almost 5 years ago

    I am a member of the Coalition for Police Accountability steering committee, representing Faith In Action East Bay (aka "OCO.")

    The LL amendments draft posted yesterday by the Assistant City Administrator should be rejected - the public had less than 24 hours to review it.

    We agree with the Police Commission’s suggested edits with three exceptions:

    a 4 – There should be a bi-annual performance review done by a 3rd party.

    b 4-5 - The Commission needs to review OPD policy or respond to OPD proposed revisions without prior City Council authorization. The Council has sufficient final approval over any changes.

    g - Adjudication. The Commission must reserve the right to convene a discipline committee regardless of the findings of CPRA and the Chief The Commission can establish objective criteria that would trigger these options to minimize the likelihood of legal challenges. The Commission must retain its authority to overrule and disagree with CPRA’s findings, with good cause.