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Agenda Item

1 20-0140 Subject: Ballot Measure Amending Powers Of The Police Commission From: Council President Kaplan And Pro Tem Kalb Recommendation: Adopt Resolution Proposing To Amend City Charter Section 604 To Strengthen The Independence Of The Oakland Police Commission, Directing The City Administrator To Give Written Notice To Employee Organizations That May Be Affected, And Directing The City Administrator To Meet And Confer, As Appropriate Subject To Further Council Instruction

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    Sharon Rose almost 5 years ago

    I represent Block by Block Organizing Network. We are concerned that this new proposal was submitted less than 24 hours ago and it should not be considered without input from the public that has not had the opportunity to properly study it. In particular, we are opposed to any proposal for the ballot measure amending powers of the Police Commission that would amount to the Commission abdicating one of its most important roles – to discipline officers who have engaged in misconduct - to its subservient investigative agency. That power must be maintained by the Commission.
    Sharon Rose
    Co-chair, Block by Block Organizing Network

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    Prescott Chair almost 5 years ago

    Thank You for holding this committee meeting and adhering to the Executive Department-State of California Executive Order N-29-20…and the Emergency Order of the City of Oakland, March 23, 2020.

    1) Based on our current fiscal crisis, and understanding the cost associated with implementation, has this item undergone a financial analysis by the City of Oakland Finance Department or the Budget Committee?

    2) Based on the powers this amendment (Ballot Measure) can we also include “members of the police commission shall be elected” by the voters of Oakland. This would allay concerns that appointments are influence by political and special interest groups.