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    Claudine Tong almost 5 years ago

    As a resident of Oakland & member of the CPA
    We reject the draft posted yesterday because we had less than 24 hrs to review.
    We agree with the Police Commission’s suggested edits with three exceptions:
    a 4 – we believe there should be a bi-annual performance review done by a 3rd party to ensure that this volunteer body adheres to an established strategic plan and achieves its goals
    b 4-5 we believe that the Commission should be able to review OPD policy or respond to OPD proposed revisions without City Council authorization. The City Council has final approval over any changes.
    g -adjudication We STRONGLY disagree with the Commission’s edits.

    The Commission may not abdicate one of its most important roles – to discipline officers who have engaged in misconduct- to its subservient investigative agency. The Commission represents the residents of Oakland. The Commission must retain its authority to oversee and, if necessary, overrule and disagree with CPRA’s findings, with good cause.