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Agenda Item

b 20-0337 Subject: Cannabis Equity Applicants and Licensee Grant Awards From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending Resolution Number 88030 C.M.S., Which Among Other Things Authorized The Acceptance And Appropriation Of One-Million, Six-Hundred And Fifty-Seven Thousand, Two-Hundred And One Dollars And Sixty-Five Cents ($1,657,201.65) In State Of California, Equity Act Grant Funding To: Authorize The City Administrator Or His Designee To Award Said Grant Funds To Local Equity Licensees And Applicants To Be Determined And Without Return To City Council: (A) In An Amount Up To Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) Per Grant To Fund Business Start-Up And Operating Costs; (B) In An Amount Up To Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) Per Grant For The Development And/Or Lease Of Commercial Kitchen(s) And To Fund Events Featuring Cannabis Equity Businesses; And (C) At A Cumulative Grant Amount For The Above-Mentioned Awards Not To Exceed One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,300,000)

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    Ed Brown almost 5 years ago

    Please City Administrators, as an RFP canidate for the development of a commercial kitchen, please accept and expend the award. Equity Applicants also need a process by which RFP's for Equity Grants can be approved without having the City Council to approve each award. Please work with the City attorney to find a better process to accept and expend. Thank you to the Cannabis administrators who applied for the funds.