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Agenda Item

7 20-0427 Subject: OPD Racial Disparity Report From: Council President Kaplan Recommendation: Receive The Hillard Heintz Final Report On Police Disparities In The Oakland Police Department

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    Laura Redmond over 4 years ago

    Officer Patrick Gonzales has killed 3 Oakland residents and shot another one. Not only does he cost the city around $300k a year in salary and benefits, but he's also involved in $3.7 MILLION in settlement payouts, and he's still on the force. We need to defund OPD and remove this officer (and not replace him!).

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    Emily Wheeler over 4 years ago

    OPD has been under federal oversight for nearly two decades and has made little meaningful progress. Like in Minneapolis, it is time for the City of Oakland to seriously discuss getting rid of our police department entirely. At the very least, Oakland should reduce OPD's general fund budget by 50%, eliminate unauthorized overtime, cease using general fund money to pay for legal settlements due to police misconduct/negligence, and instead invest in housing, jobs, youth programs, restorative justice, and mental health professionals to keep our community safe.