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Agenda Item

7 20-0792 Subject: 2021 Schedule Of The City Council And Council Committee Meetings From: Council President Kaplan And Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Approve The Report And Recommendations For The 2021 Schedule Of City Council And Council Committee Meetings, Agenda Materials Deadlines, And Agenda Distribution Dates

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    Margie Lewis almost 4 years ago

    As an Oakland resident and voter and member of the community No Sale of Coliseum Land I want to say there should be no more closed city council sessions related to the Coliseum land sale until all the information and the entire process has been made
    transparent to the public. It is our land and we want to know all the details and be integrally involved in the process. We will not be kept out of the information loop. We must be included until the situation is resolved. Thank you. Margie Lewis