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Agenda Item

2.8 20-0824 Subject: Proposed Reach Code For All- Electric Construction In Newly Constructed Buildings From: Pro Tem Kalb, Mayor Schaaf, Councilmember Bas And Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending The Oakland Municipal Code (O.M.C.) To Add Building And Construction Code Chapter 15.37 Entitled "All-Electric Construction In Newly Constructed Buildings"; And Adopting CEQA Exemption Findings

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    Scott Wentworth about 4 years ago

    Dear Councilmembers,
    Thank you for affirming this important legislation upon its first reading. Electrifying buildings is an essential next step among Oakland’s actions to address climate change, make buildings safer and improve indoor air quality.
    This legislation is consistent with Action B-1 of the 2030 ECAP and the City’s 2045 carbon neutrality target. Eliminating natural gas use in buildings is necessary to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions that keep global warming below the 1.5-deg. C target of the Paris Climate Accord. Since Oakland cannot meet its climate goals without shifting away from natural gas, now is the right time to omit natural gas use from new building construction.
    Renewable electricity is now available from East Bay Community Energy at a reasonable cost. Omitting natural gas infrastructure from new buildings avoids construction costs that are better used for induction stoves and heat pumps.
    The transition to all-electric buildings will surely have some challenges. Oakland must meet those challenges head-on; otherwise Oakland will struggle to retrofit in the future.
    It is important to approve the proposed legislation now to improve safety, mitigate climate change, and improve indoor air quality. Oakland will be making a good choice by joining at least 39 other jurisdictions in California who are creatively solving these challenges. Please adopt the proposed legislation.
    Scott Wentworth, Oakland Resident, District 5