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Agenda Item

2.7 21-0032 Subject: HSIP8 High Street Improvements From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Awarding A Construction Contract To Gruendl Inc. Doing Business As Ray's Electric, For Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 8, High Street Improvement Project, Project No. 1004017, The Lowest, Responsible, Responsive Bidder In Accordance With Project Plans, Specifications, State Requirements, And With Contractor's Bid In The Amount Of Seven Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars ($799,798)

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    Robert Prinz about 4 years ago

    This comment is in support of items 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 which all involve awarding of federal traffic safety grant funding to contractors for construction of projects on Fruitvale Ave, High Street, and Bancroft. Oakland's bike/walk commission's infrastructure committee, which I co-chair, has been in contact with OakDOT staff about each of these projects throughout the design process. We appreciate staff's openness in collaboration with the committee, to get the utmost out of these projects and hopefully avoid future tragedies on these high-injury corridors.