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Agenda Item

2.9 21-0040 Subject: HSIP8 Fruitvale Avenue Improvements From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Awarding A Construction Contract To Gruendl Inc. Doing Business As Ray's Electric, For Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 8, Fruitvale Avenue Improvement Project, Project No. 1004014, The Lowest, Responsible, Responsive Bidder In Accordance With Project Plans, Specifications, State Requirements, And With Contractor's Bid In The Amount Of Five Hundred Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($517,440)

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    Ash Lauth about 4 years ago

    Please pass this ordinance. Our grocery workers are our true frontline and most essential workers. Without them, we don't have access to food. They deal with every single person from the public. They see it all - from rude people to food hoarders. They also are on the forefront of exposure to covid. We must protect and care for them.

    Despite efforts to keep customers and employees safe, there have been large COVID-19 outbreaks among many Oakland store employees, and many have been hospitalized or have died.

    Meanwhile, top grocery retail companies have earned record-high profits during COVID-19, yet this profit has not been shared with workers. Safeway / Albertsons, for example, enjoyed a nearly 150% increase in 2020 pandemic profits compared to the company’s profits in 2019. However, Savemart / Lucky’s has provided additional pay to its workers since the pandemic began, showing that it’s possible to justly compensate your workers and turn a profit.

    We can join cities like Seattle, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Jose, and San Leandro in efforts to justly compensate our essential grocery workers, who’ve labored relentlessly through this pandemic to provide food and necessities to our community.

    I urge you to pass this ordinance for our grocery workers, who’ve been working relentlessly on the frontlines of this pandemic for the last year, continue to put their lives and loved ones at risk.