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Agenda Item

8 21-0091 Subject: Informational Report On FY 20 - 21 Proposed Department Budget Reductions From: Council President Fortunato Bas Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The City Administrator On Proposed Budget Reductions For FY 2020 - 2021 From Department Directors Including Instructions From The City Administrator And Proposals From Each Department

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    A Turner almost 4 years ago

    I’m a resident of District 2 and part of the ReFund Oakland Coalition. Oakland is due to receive $192M in direct aid from the Federal American Rescue Plan. I’d like to see that money invested in our community, specifically in housing for our homeless, reimagining public safety, good jobs and protections for essential and front line workers.

    I strongly support investing in parks, libraries, fire stations, and road and sidewalk repairs. I don’t own a car so I walk around a lot in my neighborhood and it’s not hard to see what we’re needing—public green spaces and shade-providing trees on the sidewalk. More green spaces, more trees, & more money for public workers that maintain these spaces and clean up abandoned items would make a huge difference. It's also not hard to see what we have--which is new apartment complexes springing up while Oakland residents are homeless. We need to provide housing for our homeless communities.

    Considering fire season is year round, we need to invest in our firestations. We should be building infrastructure and investing in resources that can respond to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

    Lastly, I want to voice my support for programs that offer alternatives to policing. We need to defund the services (like the police) that do not serve the people, and reinvest in healing and building up our community.

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    Robin Walker, Revered almost 4 years ago

    Please assure he does a thorough report. In the past he has not provided full disclosure. Set time frame and make it a leagal document , so he will be held accountable