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Agenda Item

9 21-0174 Subject: Study Of Four-Plexes In Single-Family Areas From: Vice Mayor Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Requesting Bureau Of Planning Staff To Study And The Planning Commission To Consider (1) Allowing Four-Plexes In Areas Currently Designated For Single-Family Residences, Especially In High Resource Areas, And (2) Options For Protecting Existing Tenants From Displacement, And To Forward Any Recommendations For Action To The City Council

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    Chris Paciorek almost 4 years ago

    I strongly support this measure. We need a variety of strategies, including this one, to address the housing cost crisis, homelessness and climate change. Increasing housing here in the city makes a ton of sense - we have the infrastructure to support more people in the city.

    (I apologize if my comment ends up being duplicated. I'm not sure my comment from before I logged in was recorded.)

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    Tommaso Boggia almost 4 years ago

    I strongly support this measure. Upzoning single family neighborhoods is one of those policies that faces multiple crises at once: housing, public finances, and climate. It is an essential tool for making our cities more resilient, diverse, and livable. We cannot meet our climate goals without upzoning.

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    Sarah Olsen almost 4 years ago

    We are in desperate need of additional housing. We need policies that support this.

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    Will Porterfield almost 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district 4 and would like to voice my strong support for ending single family zoning to allow fourplexes in D4 and the rest of Oakland.
    The housing crisis in the bay area is far past the point of needing drastic action. Supporting duplexes/fourplex zoning change is not nearly enough on its own, but is a step in the right direction to increase housing stock. Particularly, the increase in middle income housing that would likely result from this change in zoning laws is something Oakland lacks and it would have a positive impact on affordable housing.