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Agenda Item

6 21-0185 Subject: OPRF Survey On Oaklanders' Parks Experience And Perspectives From Councilmember Gallo Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From OPRF Regarding The Parks Survey

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    Prescott Chair almost 4 years ago

    I appreciate and thank OPRF for compiling this report of resident’s experience and perspectives.

    Please use this report to guide the needed work at our parks using Measure Q funds, for both the homelessness (30%) in and around the parks and all necessary efforts to improve the overall quality and experience of our parks (64%)

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    Jessica Arline almost 4 years ago

    As a proud Oaklander, district 3 resident and current board member of OPRF I urge your support for the OPRF survey recommendations. Parks are vital to the health and safety of our residents. Support for the aforementioned recommendations will ensure that our residents have access to our parks in equitable fashion. Oakland's parks represents the rich history of our beloved city and provide enrichment to our resident to enjoy what makes our city great. Please keep our parks clean and safe for all to play!

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    Sabrina Dueas almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide a public comment in this agenda item.

    I fully support the Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation recommendations outlined in Table ES3 of the Parks & Equity executive summary. This summary was created a result of the survey they distributed to 1,334 Oakland residents.

    In brief, these recommendations include: maintenance, safety, accessibility, utilization, and love of Oakland parks to advance social equity within Oakland neighborhoods, provide natural spaces and activations. Oakland residents, especially underserved residents, deserve natural and recreational spaces that are heavily invested by the City for day-to-day activities, but also during emergencies such as smoke days, power outages, and other natural disasters caused by climate change. It is only just and right to move these recommendations forward into action.

    Thank you.