2.4 21-0170 Subject: Lake Merritt Working Group
From: Office Of The City Administrator
Recommendation: Approve A Report And Recommendations From The City Administrator To Continue To Support The Safe And Equitable Use Of Lake Merritt By Providing For An Authorized Street Vending Program On Weekends, Alternative Traffic Control Measures, Develop An Alternative Program To Manage Activities At The Lake Such As A Park Ambassador Program, And Seek An Ongoing Funding Source To Cover The Costs Associated With These Efforts On A Year-Round Basis
10+ year resident of Cleveland Heights here. This is a simple problem to solve: enforce existing laws and stop coddling those who are out for themselves.
Lake Merritt is not a flea market. Real, functioning neighborhoods where people live are not playgrounds. The current weekend nonsense at the Lake is not a cultural asset to Oakland. It is not rooted in any community tradition nor is it promoting joy and beauty in a spirit of equity. It is abnormal antisocial behavior rooted in spite with no signs of stopping since those with power in the City clearly do not care. Show us that you care. Enforce the law. Stop prioritizing those who exploit lack of enforcement and start prioritizing the people you supposedly represent.
It's difficult for me to see beyond the noise. It's endless, invasive, and traumatic. I support any effort to address this issue. Currently, there is none and that's hard to understand.
I do see that the city government is promoting commercial enterprise in public parklands that were never intended for such. Righting that will require a large investment that doesn't seem available at this time. So either make the investment or find a location suitable for commercial vending. Inaction is not the answer.
This weekend on Lake Merritt was the most unruly and dangerous that I have ever observed in my 3 years living in Lake Merritt. Both exits of our apartment building were double blocked by cars and I experienced multiple instances of hostility from onlookers.
The vendors should be banned, parking enforced, and citations given to anyone who assembles groups for loitering/territory purposes. These basic measures are needed immediately and will not interfere with the goal of ensuring equity on the lake.
After last week’s meeting and promises of making change, I’d hoped that this past weekend would have seen improvement, but it was probably the worst weekend on record for us. I live close to the El Embarcadero area and our street now is completely full of litter: food wrappers and packaging from the vendors, as well as beer cans and booze bottles. All weekend the traffic flowed through our street often at high speeds. Cars parked in the red zones and blocked driveways. The amplified noise from the lake was awful – we can’t even open our windows for fresh air.
You need to do your job and ENFORCE THE EXISITING LAWS! NO illegal parking (red zones, bike lanes, the park grass, my driveway, medians, etc.), NO amplified music, NO unnecessary loud engine revving, NO vending. The lake is not a commercial zone and it’s a shame it’s being allowed to become a flea market – there are a multitude of alternative options for the vendors.
Mon-Thu the lake is a peaceful place for families from all backgrounds to enjoy. But on the weekends, it’s full of illegal activities and disrespectful people. And they do it because you let them get away with it! It’s known as the NoPoPoZone, or what I call “the do whatever the F you want” zone.
We pay taxes for our safety to be protected! Are you waiting for something worse than last night’s fire to occur? A death perhaps? At this point, the residents should be discussing a class action lawsuit for the city’s failure to enforce their own laws.
My name is Walter Harper and I am a proud Black man, having lived on Lake Merritt for over 24 years. The quality of life on Lake
Merritt has deteriorated, especially within the past two years. Too much noise, traffic, pollution; Lake Merritt, located in the middle
of the City of Oakland, is a place to relax, chill, enjoy nature and get some relief from the stresses of urban life. While I support the vendors working to make a living, there must be another venue, that will accommodate them. Surely, the City can find a location,
perhaps Jack London Square, to accommodate the vendors. We must all live together in peace and love.
Larry J Platt, Medical Director, USPHS (retd)
almost 4 years ago
Amplified Noise in the Park is a Public Health Hazard. A WHO report notes that noise can cause significant health problems: sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects, poor work and school performance, and hearing impairment. It recommends less than 30 Dbs in bedrooms for sleep and less than 35 dB in classrooms. Of late, amplified music in Lakeside Park in the Boathouse Parking lot blasts for 8 hours or more lasting well past midnight at levels up to 125Dbs. The noise has been measured at over 90 Dbs a quarter of a mile away. This is equivalent to the sound of an alarm clock one that you can’t turn off for hours, while you are trying to have a conversation, read, watch tv, do homework or sleep. It is more than unpleasant, it is unhealthy.
Even the birds are leaving.
The park is supposed to be closed at sundown. Loud noise is prohibited anywhere after 9 pm. These are difficult times, but the few dozen people attending the concerts do so at the expense of the health and comfort of hundreds and hundreds of residents in the surrounding area and those wanting to enjoy the comfort the park can provide. Fixing the noise problem isn't difficult or expensive. Closing the existing Park gates at either end of Bellevue Ave would cost nothing. Silent disco eliminates noise.
The park is meant to be a place to escape stress not be a source of stress. For public health and public safety I urge support to deal with the noise and other emerging public health hazards by our precious Lake.
Hello my name is Joyce Hanson and I am a woman of color who has lived in the community as a taxpayer and Neighbor for over 30 years it is very saddening to see that this jewel of Oakland is under attack. valueable resources over many decades have been used to preserve it. Destruction of the lake & surrounding areas is painful & disrespectful. please remove all vending from the area. Partying should be limited to areas with more space such as Joaquin Miller Park. It has an amphitheater. money could be used for restoration. there’s plenty of parking plenty of space and the noise can be diffused. We need to start implementing the laws that are already in force and then build from there. we all know what the problem is and we have many solutions on record.
DOT construct Lakeshore Ave round abouts
Other Jurisdictions- identify illegal vendors and bill their business permit city of origin for managing the wrong doers
Federal Park- advocate Lake Merritt as a federal park dedicated to Black Panthers Party, thereby relieving the city of a park unable to be managed by city gov't or can afford any longer
Celebrity athletes and entertainers- campaign for caring celebrities to speak up and mentor a productive use of LM open space
Challenge A2Z media, et al to raise the bar on civic responsibility
1x month blow out- dial the party back; no on every 2 day or 3 day weekend vending
CM F-Bs's proposal is a good start but inadequate to address the crisis in public health and safety now existing all around Lake Merritt.Conditions have grown constantly worse and are making weekends truly miserable for both area residents and other Oaklanders using the Lake for lawful, peaceful, healthful activities.Instead it has become a center for criminal and anti-social activity of all kinds at all hours of day and night, especially afternoons and evenings to late nights on weekends.I attribute this to the obvious, notorious, and inexcusable decision of the City to stop enforcing its laws in this area.Without law enforcement nothing will change.The Council needs to get real and start enforcing existing laws.The Plan is also needs to address late-night amplified noise from music parties and cars and motorcycles the Grand Ave/Bellevue/Perkins area that make it impossible to enjoy our homes in peace from late afternoon until deep into the morning hours.As for vending, while a limited number of strictly regulated food vendors in a restricted area (the Embarcadero) might help people peacefully enjoy the Lake, the current and planned use of nearly half the lake shore area as a massive flea market and carnival is at the root of many of the problems of filth, drug and alcohol use, violent crime, and traffic and those problems won't go away if vending practices are turned over to a private group that can't enforce the laws.
This weekend is even worse than the previous weekend. We are again completely blocked into our apartment, cars are double parked all up and down the street, in the median, blocking crosswalk ramps and fire hydrants, and up on the sidewalk. cars, dirtbikes, and ATVs are driving the wrong way down the street, there are impromptu sideshows with cars burning donuts in front of my apartment, people are defecating on my doorstep. I can't hear myself think. My wife is a front line medical worker and she would be unable to get to/from the hospital if needed.
It was nice to hear that you discussed the matter in a committee meeting but I have yet to see any discernable improvement in spite of your claims/proposal of immediate action. It's only a matter of time before someone gets injured and emergency personnel would not be able to reach them. We've been repeatedly communicating this to you and OPD and have yet to see any action. Imagine if there were a building fire, car accident, or shooting. You would literally be unable to respond. Please do something!
Save the lake. Stop the vending! This is wildlife refuge? Why are you turning the lake into a flea market? There should be vendors allowed and please, please enforce rules at the lake with the amount of noise, fireworks, trash is too much. If this happened on your front porch it would have been handled by now.
As you move forward with plans for vending at the Lake, please solicit feedback from Lake Merritt stakeholders, not just residents. The Lake Merritt Advocates group lists 40 organizations who utilize, or do business at the Lake--including the Junior Center for Art and Science, which was on fire last night, the Lake Merritt Institute, which concerns itself with keeping the lake healthy, and many others. They, and their local constituents/volunteers are being heavily impacted by the large crowds and illegal activities now taking place. I support code enforcement and law enforcement--it's a wonder that the person doing doughnuts at Wayne and Lakeshore yesterday afternoon didn't injure anyone.
I am a Lakeshore resident, Oakland native & POC. I grew up by the Lake & watch M-Thur all the variety of Oakland's population using the lake as a park. Right now I can see a group of men of color sitting together chatting & enjoying the sun and serene and yet still urban setting. However, on the weekends (Fri - Sun) since spring 2020 the Lake has become an unregulated marketplace, filled with overwhelming traffic, illegal parking, amplified music, trash & public urination & worse. The city needs to at least enforce the rules that already exist for parking, trash, vending & noise. The lake should be used by all, but as a park not a fairground.
As a Trauma Specialist I support any action that helps maintain Lake Merritt as a healing sanctuary for all. Nature is one of our best allies on the road to healing and should not be underestimated. People with trauma (almost all of us to some degree) need to slow down and smell the roses and hear the sounds of nature. The Native Americans understood this and it is very true today, especially in a city. I so wish that eating, drinking, dancing and loud music were the answer to the pain people carry. If it were, then I wouldn't need to help people who are suffering so much. Distraction never moved the needle with respect to healing. The sounds and sights and smells of nature does. Please don't confuse fun and entertainment with healing. And as a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in trauma, please don't rob the city of Oakland from having this unique and special conduit for healing.
Lake Merritt offered something different than regular city life. Why not create a place for food trucks, music and dance in a place that can have proper facilities and garbage cans? Why not make Lake Merritt a sanctuary with more exercise equipment, free yoga, meditation, thai chi classes? I always smile when I see the group of people working out by the few hanging bars. How about free Library tours of the migratory birds and the awesomeness that Oakland is the country"s first bird sanctuary? How painful to see the Youth Center up in flames last night. :(
I support the dedication of significant funds to the restoration of Lake Merritt as a tranquil natural resource. I have lived barely one block from the lake for nearly 23 years but am making plans to leave Oakland altogether if the situation does not improve. Our leadership has completely failed us. The chaotic situation at the lake was allowed to worsen to the point where now you must throw much more money at it than you would have had to do when it was a more manageable problem. But it will only get worse if you don’t invest is the resources needed NOW.
I also request that councilmembers and the mayor explain very clearly what it is they mean by “equity,” a buzzword that’s getting inserted into every communication about the chaos at the lake. What exactly are your goals and how does allowing this lawlessness to continue promote “equity”?
Finally, I would request that Councilmember Fife withdraw her inflammatory and ignorant remark made at the last Council meeting in which she asserted that “the wealthy white people living around the like just don’t want to see black faces.” The people living at the lake are certainly not all wealthy or white and we have always enjoyed a great diversity of people at the lake. This is not about race – it’s about utter lawlessness and the destruction of a beautiful natural resource and wildlife refuge that should be accessible for all — as a park, not a site for drinking, loud music and commercial activity.
Lake Merritt, a once peaceful public park, is now party central. Many Oakland residents and particularly families now avoid the lake because of the out-of-control amplified music, the overflowing garbage, open sales and use of alcohol and drugs, traffic issues, circling motorcycles, and so forth. This saddens me as I deeply cherish the lake area as a celebration of nature, a wildlife preserve, and a place of peaceful respite for all Oaklanders.
Nighttime activity is even more distressing. Loud, amplified music coming from the Boathouse parking lot and adjacent streets well past midnight (sometimes until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m.) along with car engines revving and screeching tires, has become the new normal. Open alcohol consumption fuels the intensity and increases the noise level of these gatherings. The situation is untenable, the noise is ceaseless, and it is seriously impacting the physical and mental health of residents that are enduring unhealthy decibel levels and are unable to sleep night after night.
There is an immediate and dire need for a currently lacking infrastructure of services and enforcement of rules. Approving the budget being proposed today is a crucial first step to address an urgent matter of public health and safety. There is much work to be done. However, let there be no misunderstanding: City intervention to abate nighttime noise and illegal activity must be your immediate, first priority and requires a consistent OPD response.
As a frequent runner at the lake it brought tears to my eyes this morning as I saw the aftermath of the events that took place over the weekend. It's unfortunate these situations deviate to issues of race and socioeconomic status. THIS IS ABOUT RESPECT AND COMMON COURTESY for our community, our people (of every race), and our beautiful landmark, Lake Merritt. Today I was embarrassed to be from Oakland not only to see the destruction thats been caused here but because it has become accepted and that is UNACCEPTABLE. I think we do need more policing. I think every vendor needs to be licensed and its not about color, if they dont have one, its time to go! No you can't double park! Why is that tolerated? Laws need to be enforced, NOW! Or we're going to watch this city sink lower and lower
I support this measure as a longtime resident of Adam's Point, one block off of Grand. The noise and garbage is out of control. There's no parking anywhere, and it overflows into the neighborhoods with people parking illegally everywhere. People stopped in the middle of the street or stopping suddenly to wait for parking. I personally enjoy and have no issue with the music at the lake, but the noise coming from the endless flow of car and motorcycle traffic is so incredibly grating. Motorcycles have been a particular issue for me as they are incredibly loud, but only tear through for a couple seconds. However, they will always leave at least one or two car alarms going off in their wake with no one to shut them off.
I'm proud of living by the lake and all of the activity and people enjoying it. However, we need some basic rules!! More garbage cans, more porta potties, and more traffic enforcement. As someone else said, I really do feel trapped in my house on weekends by the chaos.
Scott West
I support the proposal if it includes Grand Ave, Bellevue and the Boat House and if it includes a serious effort to reduce the horrendous noise that invades our homes every weekend and often on weekdays & nights. All the problems on Lakeshore are also found on the Adams Point side of the lake. Food trucks occupying every spot on Grand some of them blasting music. Tents filling every spot of grass along the sidewalk in the park. Bellevue blocked by double and triple parking, DJs blasting music past at the Boat house past midnight several days a week. We know from last summer that if the city enforces rules only on Lake Shore all the overcrowding, illegal vending and blaring music will immediately shift to Grand & Bellevue making the situation here even worse
10+ year resident of Cleveland Heights here. This is a simple problem to solve: enforce existing laws and stop coddling those who are out for themselves.
Lake Merritt is not a flea market. Real, functioning neighborhoods where people live are not playgrounds. The current weekend nonsense at the Lake is not a cultural asset to Oakland. It is not rooted in any community tradition nor is it promoting joy and beauty in a spirit of equity. It is abnormal antisocial behavior rooted in spite with no signs of stopping since those with power in the City clearly do not care. Show us that you care. Enforce the law. Stop prioritizing those who exploit lack of enforcement and start prioritizing the people you supposedly represent.
It's difficult for me to see beyond the noise. It's endless, invasive, and traumatic. I support any effort to address this issue. Currently, there is none and that's hard to understand.
I do see that the city government is promoting commercial enterprise in public parklands that were never intended for such. Righting that will require a large investment that doesn't seem available at this time. So either make the investment or find a location suitable for commercial vending. Inaction is not the answer.
This weekend on Lake Merritt was the most unruly and dangerous that I have ever observed in my 3 years living in Lake Merritt. Both exits of our apartment building were double blocked by cars and I experienced multiple instances of hostility from onlookers.
The vendors should be banned, parking enforced, and citations given to anyone who assembles groups for loitering/territory purposes. These basic measures are needed immediately and will not interfere with the goal of ensuring equity on the lake.
After last week’s meeting and promises of making change, I’d hoped that this past weekend would have seen improvement, but it was probably the worst weekend on record for us. I live close to the El Embarcadero area and our street now is completely full of litter: food wrappers and packaging from the vendors, as well as beer cans and booze bottles. All weekend the traffic flowed through our street often at high speeds. Cars parked in the red zones and blocked driveways. The amplified noise from the lake was awful – we can’t even open our windows for fresh air.
You need to do your job and ENFORCE THE EXISITING LAWS! NO illegal parking (red zones, bike lanes, the park grass, my driveway, medians, etc.), NO amplified music, NO unnecessary loud engine revving, NO vending. The lake is not a commercial zone and it’s a shame it’s being allowed to become a flea market – there are a multitude of alternative options for the vendors.
Mon-Thu the lake is a peaceful place for families from all backgrounds to enjoy. But on the weekends, it’s full of illegal activities and disrespectful people. And they do it because you let them get away with it! It’s known as the NoPoPoZone, or what I call “the do whatever the F you want” zone.
We pay taxes for our safety to be protected! Are you waiting for something worse than last night’s fire to occur? A death perhaps? At this point, the residents should be discussing a class action lawsuit for the city’s failure to enforce their own laws.
My name is Walter Harper and I am a proud Black man, having lived on Lake Merritt for over 24 years. The quality of life on Lake
Merritt has deteriorated, especially within the past two years. Too much noise, traffic, pollution; Lake Merritt, located in the middle
of the City of Oakland, is a place to relax, chill, enjoy nature and get some relief from the stresses of urban life. While I support the vendors working to make a living, there must be another venue, that will accommodate them. Surely, the City can find a location,
perhaps Jack London Square, to accommodate the vendors. We must all live together in peace and love.
Amplified Noise in the Park is a Public Health Hazard. A WHO report notes that noise can cause significant health problems: sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects, poor work and school performance, and hearing impairment. It recommends less than 30 Dbs in bedrooms for sleep and less than 35 dB in classrooms. Of late, amplified music in Lakeside Park in the Boathouse Parking lot blasts for 8 hours or more lasting well past midnight at levels up to 125Dbs. The noise has been measured at over 90 Dbs a quarter of a mile away. This is equivalent to the sound of an alarm clock one that you can’t turn off for hours, while you are trying to have a conversation, read, watch tv, do homework or sleep. It is more than unpleasant, it is unhealthy.
Even the birds are leaving.
The park is supposed to be closed at sundown. Loud noise is prohibited anywhere after 9 pm. These are difficult times, but the few dozen people attending the concerts do so at the expense of the health and comfort of hundreds and hundreds of residents in the surrounding area and those wanting to enjoy the comfort the park can provide. Fixing the noise problem isn't difficult or expensive. Closing the existing Park gates at either end of Bellevue Ave would cost nothing. Silent disco eliminates noise.
The park is meant to be a place to escape stress not be a source of stress. For public health and public safety I urge support to deal with the noise and other emerging public health hazards by our precious Lake.
Hello my name is Joyce Hanson and I am a woman of color who has lived in the community as a taxpayer and Neighbor for over 30 years it is very saddening to see that this jewel of Oakland is under attack. valueable resources over many decades have been used to preserve it. Destruction of the lake & surrounding areas is painful & disrespectful. please remove all vending from the area. Partying should be limited to areas with more space such as Joaquin Miller Park. It has an amphitheater. money could be used for restoration. there’s plenty of parking plenty of space and the noise can be diffused. We need to start implementing the laws that are already in force and then build from there. we all know what the problem is and we have many solutions on record.
DOT construct Lakeshore Ave round abouts
Other Jurisdictions- identify illegal vendors and bill their business permit city of origin for managing the wrong doers
Federal Park- advocate Lake Merritt as a federal park dedicated to Black Panthers Party, thereby relieving the city of a park unable to be managed by city gov't or can afford any longer
Celebrity athletes and entertainers- campaign for caring celebrities to speak up and mentor a productive use of LM open space
Challenge A2Z media, et al to raise the bar on civic responsibility
1x month blow out- dial the party back; no on every 2 day or 3 day weekend vending
CM F-Bs's proposal is a good start but inadequate to address the crisis in public health and safety now existing all around Lake Merritt.Conditions have grown constantly worse and are making weekends truly miserable for both area residents and other Oaklanders using the Lake for lawful, peaceful, healthful activities.Instead it has become a center for criminal and anti-social activity of all kinds at all hours of day and night, especially afternoons and evenings to late nights on weekends.I attribute this to the obvious, notorious, and inexcusable decision of the City to stop enforcing its laws in this area.Without law enforcement nothing will change.The Council needs to get real and start enforcing existing laws.The Plan is also needs to address late-night amplified noise from music parties and cars and motorcycles the Grand Ave/Bellevue/Perkins area that make it impossible to enjoy our homes in peace from late afternoon until deep into the morning hours.As for vending, while a limited number of strictly regulated food vendors in a restricted area (the Embarcadero) might help people peacefully enjoy the Lake, the current and planned use of nearly half the lake shore area as a massive flea market and carnival is at the root of many of the problems of filth, drug and alcohol use, violent crime, and traffic and those problems won't go away if vending practices are turned over to a private group that can't enforce the laws.
This weekend is even worse than the previous weekend. We are again completely blocked into our apartment, cars are double parked all up and down the street, in the median, blocking crosswalk ramps and fire hydrants, and up on the sidewalk. cars, dirtbikes, and ATVs are driving the wrong way down the street, there are impromptu sideshows with cars burning donuts in front of my apartment, people are defecating on my doorstep. I can't hear myself think. My wife is a front line medical worker and she would be unable to get to/from the hospital if needed.
It was nice to hear that you discussed the matter in a committee meeting but I have yet to see any discernable improvement in spite of your claims/proposal of immediate action. It's only a matter of time before someone gets injured and emergency personnel would not be able to reach them. We've been repeatedly communicating this to you and OPD and have yet to see any action. Imagine if there were a building fire, car accident, or shooting. You would literally be unable to respond. Please do something!
Save the lake. Stop the vending! This is wildlife refuge? Why are you turning the lake into a flea market? There should be vendors allowed and please, please enforce rules at the lake with the amount of noise, fireworks, trash is too much. If this happened on your front porch it would have been handled by now.
As you move forward with plans for vending at the Lake, please solicit feedback from Lake Merritt stakeholders, not just residents. The Lake Merritt Advocates group lists 40 organizations who utilize, or do business at the Lake--including the Junior Center for Art and Science, which was on fire last night, the Lake Merritt Institute, which concerns itself with keeping the lake healthy, and many others. They, and their local constituents/volunteers are being heavily impacted by the large crowds and illegal activities now taking place. I support code enforcement and law enforcement--it's a wonder that the person doing doughnuts at Wayne and Lakeshore yesterday afternoon didn't injure anyone.
I am a Lakeshore resident, Oakland native & POC. I grew up by the Lake & watch M-Thur all the variety of Oakland's population using the lake as a park. Right now I can see a group of men of color sitting together chatting & enjoying the sun and serene and yet still urban setting. However, on the weekends (Fri - Sun) since spring 2020 the Lake has become an unregulated marketplace, filled with overwhelming traffic, illegal parking, amplified music, trash & public urination & worse. The city needs to at least enforce the rules that already exist for parking, trash, vending & noise. The lake should be used by all, but as a park not a fairground.
Will voice my comments at City Council Meeting
As a Trauma Specialist I support any action that helps maintain Lake Merritt as a healing sanctuary for all. Nature is one of our best allies on the road to healing and should not be underestimated. People with trauma (almost all of us to some degree) need to slow down and smell the roses and hear the sounds of nature. The Native Americans understood this and it is very true today, especially in a city. I so wish that eating, drinking, dancing and loud music were the answer to the pain people carry. If it were, then I wouldn't need to help people who are suffering so much. Distraction never moved the needle with respect to healing. The sounds and sights and smells of nature does. Please don't confuse fun and entertainment with healing. And as a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in trauma, please don't rob the city of Oakland from having this unique and special conduit for healing.
Lake Merritt offered something different than regular city life. Why not create a place for food trucks, music and dance in a place that can have proper facilities and garbage cans? Why not make Lake Merritt a sanctuary with more exercise equipment, free yoga, meditation, thai chi classes? I always smile when I see the group of people working out by the few hanging bars. How about free Library tours of the migratory birds and the awesomeness that Oakland is the country"s first bird sanctuary? How painful to see the Youth Center up in flames last night. :(
I support the dedication of significant funds to the restoration of Lake Merritt as a tranquil natural resource. I have lived barely one block from the lake for nearly 23 years but am making plans to leave Oakland altogether if the situation does not improve. Our leadership has completely failed us. The chaotic situation at the lake was allowed to worsen to the point where now you must throw much more money at it than you would have had to do when it was a more manageable problem. But it will only get worse if you don’t invest is the resources needed NOW.
I also request that councilmembers and the mayor explain very clearly what it is they mean by “equity,” a buzzword that’s getting inserted into every communication about the chaos at the lake. What exactly are your goals and how does allowing this lawlessness to continue promote “equity”?
Finally, I would request that Councilmember Fife withdraw her inflammatory and ignorant remark made at the last Council meeting in which she asserted that “the wealthy white people living around the like just don’t want to see black faces.” The people living at the lake are certainly not all wealthy or white and we have always enjoyed a great diversity of people at the lake. This is not about race – it’s about utter lawlessness and the destruction of a beautiful natural resource and wildlife refuge that should be accessible for all — as a park, not a site for drinking, loud music and commercial activity.
Lake Merritt, a once peaceful public park, is now party central. Many Oakland residents and particularly families now avoid the lake because of the out-of-control amplified music, the overflowing garbage, open sales and use of alcohol and drugs, traffic issues, circling motorcycles, and so forth. This saddens me as I deeply cherish the lake area as a celebration of nature, a wildlife preserve, and a place of peaceful respite for all Oaklanders.
Nighttime activity is even more distressing. Loud, amplified music coming from the Boathouse parking lot and adjacent streets well past midnight (sometimes until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m.) along with car engines revving and screeching tires, has become the new normal. Open alcohol consumption fuels the intensity and increases the noise level of these gatherings. The situation is untenable, the noise is ceaseless, and it is seriously impacting the physical and mental health of residents that are enduring unhealthy decibel levels and are unable to sleep night after night.
There is an immediate and dire need for a currently lacking infrastructure of services and enforcement of rules. Approving the budget being proposed today is a crucial first step to address an urgent matter of public health and safety. There is much work to be done. However, let there be no misunderstanding: City intervention to abate nighttime noise and illegal activity must be your immediate, first priority and requires a consistent OPD response.
As a frequent runner at the lake it brought tears to my eyes this morning as I saw the aftermath of the events that took place over the weekend. It's unfortunate these situations deviate to issues of race and socioeconomic status. THIS IS ABOUT RESPECT AND COMMON COURTESY for our community, our people (of every race), and our beautiful landmark, Lake Merritt. Today I was embarrassed to be from Oakland not only to see the destruction thats been caused here but because it has become accepted and that is UNACCEPTABLE. I think we do need more policing. I think every vendor needs to be licensed and its not about color, if they dont have one, its time to go! No you can't double park! Why is that tolerated? Laws need to be enforced, NOW! Or we're going to watch this city sink lower and lower
I support this measure as a longtime resident of Adam's Point, one block off of Grand. The noise and garbage is out of control. There's no parking anywhere, and it overflows into the neighborhoods with people parking illegally everywhere. People stopped in the middle of the street or stopping suddenly to wait for parking. I personally enjoy and have no issue with the music at the lake, but the noise coming from the endless flow of car and motorcycle traffic is so incredibly grating. Motorcycles have been a particular issue for me as they are incredibly loud, but only tear through for a couple seconds. However, they will always leave at least one or two car alarms going off in their wake with no one to shut them off.
I'm proud of living by the lake and all of the activity and people enjoying it. However, we need some basic rules!! More garbage cans, more porta potties, and more traffic enforcement. As someone else said, I really do feel trapped in my house on weekends by the chaos.
Scott West
I support the proposal if it includes Grand Ave, Bellevue and the Boat House and if it includes a serious effort to reduce the horrendous noise that invades our homes every weekend and often on weekdays & nights. All the problems on Lakeshore are also found on the Adams Point side of the lake. Food trucks occupying every spot on Grand some of them blasting music. Tents filling every spot of grass along the sidewalk in the park. Bellevue blocked by double and triple parking, DJs blasting music past at the Boat house past midnight several days a week. We know from last summer that if the city enforces rules only on Lake Shore all the overcrowding, illegal vending and blaring music will immediately shift to Grand & Bellevue making the situation here even worse