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Agenda Item

5 21-0212 Subject: FY 2021-23 Mayor And Council Budget Priorities From: Finance Department Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report To Begin Discussing Mayor And Council Priorities For The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-23 Budget Based On Preliminary Projected Increases Or Decreases In The Next Budget In Accordance With The Consolidated Fiscal Policy (Ordinance 13487 C.M.S.)

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    Patty Hall almost 4 years ago

    Councilmembers, we are in a race! Will we allow gun violence to totally destroy our city? If not, why hasn't the Council speedily recommended Ceasefire as a priority in the budget?
    We KNOW the Ceasefire Program should not be excluded nor should it suffer any cutbacks.
    We KNOW the Covid-19 is having a devastating and negative impact on the lives of the people in our communities because the program has been halted.
    We ALSO KNOW that data reflects the success that the program can bring.
    Please take measures to safeguard the safety of Oakland and the healing power of a fully funded Ceasefire program!
    Save/Help Oakland and those affected by gun violence.
    We all deserve a peaceful and well city where we all can thrive in safety.
    Patty Hall, Leader Faith In Action East Bay

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    Allene Warren almost 4 years ago

    Cutting city services means losing taxpayer dollars because people are moving out of Oakland or have become one of the many "unhoused"
    without jobs.
    Having a healthy & safe city for the residents and at the same time attracting new investors (meaning jobs), it is imperative that Oakland provide those services that will make Oakland the "place to live and prosper".

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    Jean Howard Moses almost 4 years ago

    Public safety is key to building a community in which all our neighbors can thrive. Therefore, I strongly urge you to restore and increase funding the Ceasefire program. Data-driven and focusing on the very small number of people at greatest risk, Ceasefire has been and can continue to be a lifeline for those who are at the intersection of economic insecurity and violence. Especially given the local, and nationwide, increase in gun violence, we must revitalize this program, reduce the visibility of the police, and increase the presence of impacted community members and community services. Don't abandon a proven program. Strengthen it! Thank you.

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    Terri McWilliams almost 4 years ago

    I’m a District 6 resident, an active member of Imani Community Church and a Faith in Action East Bay Leader (Ceasefire Friday Night Walk Coordinator for four years)

    As you begin today to deliberate on this year’s city budget, I urge that you, minimally, make the full re-funding Ceasefire a priority. I’m expecting an unanimous support from the city council to not only restore Ceasefire funding but to increase funding for the vital services which are desperately needed now more than ever.

    As we all know, prior to March 2020, Oakland gun violence was at it lowest levels in many years and as Oakland’s Ceasefire model drew national attention and was highlighted by the Giffords Law Center in 2019. We in its community engagement component took solace in the tangible success of decreasing gun violence. The deep pain caused by COVID shattered this progress.

    Ceasefire started in the FIAEB congregations most affected by gun violence. It’s not an understatement to assert that every aspect of Ceasefire - call-ins, custom notifications, support services and mentoring, etc. - needs to be fully engaged more than ever. It is key to recouping and building upon Ceasefire’s past success in our most impacted neighborhoods which is critical to all of us across Oakland.

    All city district communities are affected by gun violence one way or another. Please do the right thing for the entire city, and ensure full and appropriate funding for the Ceasefire program.

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    Angela Noel almost 4 years ago

    My name is Angie Noel. I’ve lived for decades in an Oakland neighborhood that’s known gun violence and I know City Hall must give Ceasefire top priority in the budget. First off, DATA SHOWS THAT CEASEFIRE WORKS and is a national model. Since the program began in Oakland in 2012, Ceasefire has brought historic reductions in gun violence. AND WE ALL BENEFIT FROM INCREASING PEACE IN OAKLAND: A wide cross-section of the city supports Ceasefire, including the multiracial, multifaith congregations of Faith in Action East Bay, formerly known as OCO, which introduced the program to City Hall. As a Faith in Action leader and part of this community wracked by COVID, I KNOW CEASEFIRE IS NEEDED NOW MORE THAN EVER! The City of Oakland is already in crisis and can’t afford to diminish Ceasefire. Support Ceasefire! Fully Fund Ceasefire! Now!

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    Bruce Schmiechen almost 4 years ago

    It is imperative that Ceasefire - the proven gun violence reduction strategy that pre-pandemic had significant results in saving lives of those most impacted by cycles of violence and providing root-cause alternatives - be fully funded. That means not just no cuts - as have been enacted to date as the pandemic has caused increases in violence and homicides - and fully restored, but studied carefully in collaboration with community partners and the Department of Violence Prevention, to bring as many resources as are needed to make the strategy fully effective. This MUST be a top budget priority in Reimagining Public Safety - Ceasefire was the first innovative strategy to reimagine public safety and change traditional police response to the young men most likely to be caught in the cycles of gun violence and bring more than handcuffs to the table, with real community-based intervention, mentoring and social services. We need more, particularly investments in education, jobs and job training. These are not mostly the very young, by the way, but older youth - their lives can't be ignored and tossed away. Faith In Action East Bay, which as "OCO" was instrumental in initiating this strategy before "reimagining public safety" was trendy, believes in redemption - Ceasefire is a life-saving and redemptive strategy and program. Oakland needs it now more than ever.