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Agenda Item

3 21-0317 Subject: Utility Undergrounding Assessment District No. 2021-232 Piedmont Pines Phase II From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Of Intention To 1) Order Improvements And To Form The City Of Oakland Utility Underground Assessment District No. 2021-232, Piedmont Pines Phase II; 2) Find That The Improvements Are Of More Than Local Or Ordinary Public Benefit, And The Cost And Expenses, Including Incurred City Cost Of District Creation Thereof, Are Made Chargeable Upon The Assessment District; 3) Provide That The Council Intends To Levy A Special Assessment Upon The Land Within The Assessment District; 4) Provide That Bonds Shall Be Issued To Finance A Portion Of The Costs Of Improvements; 5) Appoint Harris & Associates As The Engineer Of Work For The Assessment District; And 6) Direct The Engineer Of Work To Make And File The Engineer's Report With The City Clerk; And

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    Ronald Wacker over 3 years ago

    The Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Association (PPNA) urges the City Council to approve these resolutions that initiate creation of the Piedmont Pines Phase II Utility Undergrounding Assessment District. PPNA and the community have worked hard since 1987 to bring the project to this point. During an emergency, it is critical that the Chelton/Carisbrook/Skyline corridor be kept open for "first responder" access and for evacuation of residents. Increasing wildfire risk has added to the urgency for this utility undergrounding project. With the City Council's positive action today, the residents of the proposed phase 2 assessment district have the opportunity to move ahead on this important effort. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Ronald Wacker, Vice President, PPNA

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    Helen Nicholas over 3 years ago

    As a 46-year homeowner in the Piedmont Pines neighborhood, I have been committed to achieving underground utilities since the effort began in 1987. This is so important for boosting the safety of all who travel the Chelton-Carisbrook-Skyline corridor, and all who live in the vicinity. Falling wires, aged-out trees, and a wildfire designation elevate the urgency of moving this effort forward so that the neighbors can decide if they will take on the cost. I for one am unequivocally committed to investing in this vital safety improvement. The City of Oakland will not bear an expense. Helen Nicholas, Carisbrook Drive resident.

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    martin arrick over 3 years ago

    Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Association has been working to get utilities undergrounded since 1987. Initiated then by Councilmember Dick Spees, 34 years later we are now only at Phase 2 of 3. We hope you will pass this resolution so property owners can decide whether or not to set up an assessment district that will cover ALL the city's expenses. This project is enormously important for improving fire safety and will cost the City nothing. I'm very frustrated this entire project is taking so long. the rise of PG&E shutdowns makes this project even more important and more urgent. i urge you to move forward with this AND accelerate pharse 3 as well. Martin arrick

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    Robbie Neely almost 4 years ago

    Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Association has been working to get utilities undergrounded since 1987. Initiated then by Councilmember Dick Spees, 34 years later we are now only at Phase 2 of 3. We hope you will pass this resolution so property owners can decide whether or not to set up an assessment district that will cover ALL the city's expenses. This project is enormously important for improving fire safety and will cost the City nothing.
    Robbie Neely, Executive Director PPNA and Co-chair, PPNA Utility Undergrounding