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Agenda Item

2.9 21-0358 Subject: Extension Of Flex Streets Program From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Adding Chapter 8.62, Section 5.51.150, Section 12.08.250, And Section 17.07.060(C) Of The Oakland Municipal Code (O.M.C.) To Expand Restaurant, Retail, Café, Parklet, And Mobile Food Vending Temporary Uses Of Outdoor Private Spaces And Public Right-Of-Ways ("Oakland Flex Streets Program") Until March 31, 2022 To Encourage Healthy Outdoor Use And Enjoyment Of Businesses; And Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

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    Anne Christie over 3 years ago

    On behalf of SPUR, I am writing to support Consent Calendar item 2.9, Extension of Flex Streets Program (File 21-0358). We agree that the City of Oakland should keep the existing Flex Streets program in place and measure its performance holistically. The Flex Streets program has been critical for small businesses as they adjusted to shifting health and safety regulations. The permitting processes of the Flex Streets program enabled over 100 parklets and sidewalk cafes to be established since its inception, which is far beyond the program’s previous success.

    The staff report describes some geographical inequities in the program, with the majority of permits granted in the Uptown, Downtown, and North Oakland neighborhoods. The report cites a desire from community organizations and East and West Oakland neighborhoods to prioritize essential social services through these permits. We encourage the City to reconnect with those in East and West Oakland to ensure the program continues to support these areas.

    SPUR agrees that an extension of the program will allow the City, businesses, and residents to analyze how to best implement the program. Ultimately, SPUR supports turning these innovations into permanent programming and policy for the City of Oakland. I encourage the Council to approve the extension of Flex Streets to March 31, 2022 or a later date.

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed ordinance.


    Ronak Davé Okoye
    SPUR Oakland Director