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Agenda Item

3.1 21-0511 Subject: California Waste Solutions Lease / Disposition & Development Agreement From: Economic & Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Approving (A) Design Review And A Major Conditional Use Permit For The Development Of A Recycling Facility Located At 2308 Wake Avenue By California Waste Solutions, Inc And, And (B) Adopting Requisite California Environmental Quality Act Findings And Conditions Of Approval; And

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    Prescott Chair over 3 years ago

    I support CWS moving to the Army Base.

    D3 has gone through 2 council members trying to make this happen.

    However, CWS has not demonstrated the best behavior in our neighborhood since opening in the 1990’s. Please incorporate a COA with enforceable and meaningful conditions including remediation start within a reasonable time after actual move of current locations on Pine Street and Wood Street.

    The occurrence of fires at their Pine Street location is often. Not only would it be embarrassing if this occurred at the new site, it would affect the health and safety of those travelling the Bay Bridge East & West bound traffic. Other concerns include operating beyond the approved hours & capacity, and the planned truck routes to freeways, not using frontage to access freeways.

    A fire Saturday (June 12, 2021) afternoon at a recycling center in West Oakland injured one firefighter…