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Agenda Item

5 21-0663 Subject: "MACRO" Recommendations From: The Public Safety Committee Recommendation: Approve A Report And Recommendations Regarding Implementation Of The Mobile Assistance Community Responders Of Oakland (MACRO) Program Including The Following: 1) Include A Community Advisory Board For The Purpose Of Serving As An Advisory Partner To The Oakland Fire Department As Council Expressed Its Intent To Create In Resolution Number 88553 C.M.S And To Return To Council If Necessary With Appropriate Legislation; 2) Ensure A Competitive Salary And Wage Structure For Jobs, Meaning Jobs For Frontline Responders And Bringing Them On As Soon As Possible; 3) A Plan To Expand MACRO To A 24-Hours A Day, 7-Days A Week Program; 4) Strategy (And Staffing) To Pursue Additional Funds To Continue/Expand MACRO; 5) Revised Spending Plan [TITLE CHANGE]

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    Derron JENKINS over 3 years ago

    Here we go again. I am a District 7 resident and a member of Faith In Action East Bay and an Associate Minister at Allen Temple Baptist Church. Here we are trying to bake a special cake for the community and everybody is trying to put this cake on their trophy shelf to display for a future political stepping stone or, is trying to sabotage the entire plan for reasons that only mimics that orange man that was in the White House that slaves built. Alameda County has a response team (not available to all in the county) that has licensed clinicians. How do I know? My clinician told me. Let the county do their job and let our city do theirs. What are all these other positions that will get paid the money needed to pay our people? I'm sorry to be rude but this MACRO plan on the table is only suitable to clean my backside after a morning coffee and a cigarette. And even then it's still too rough. Burn this plan and take out your past notes. The lives of those lost without MACRO in place means more then an easy throw up program that fails for the community, but enriches the pockets of NON COMMUNITY RESIDENTS, and gives them job experience for the next position...that is just as bad as our homicide rate. IM WATCHING!

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    Jean Howard Moses over 3 years ago

    I am a resident of District 2 and a member of Faith In Action East Bay. As a tax-payer and as someone who has actively supported the evolution of MACRO since the week in 2019 when folks came down from CAHOOTS, I see the budget proposed in Item 5 as deeply flawed.
    In order to gain public trust and local community support, there needs to be much more open discussion of the implementation plan, the roles needed for MACRO, and the way money earmarked for MACRO is spent. This budget pretty clearly was designed to spend the funds available not to create a pilot based on the recommendations that came from community and Urban Strategies research.
    For instance, the clinical roles run counter to the intent that MACRO is an innovative program intended to be based solidly in the community. It needs to be flexible in terms of responding local needs. There are multiple County programs that offer clinical responses. The obtrusive presence of clinicians, in my mind, threatens to undermine, rather than support the efforts of this pilot.
    The addition of 2 FTE's for the Finance department is just plain gold digging.
    Please table this proposal and help us get back on track with what we've spent 2 years developing.
    Jean Moses

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    Terri McWilliams over 3 years ago

    My name is Terri, and I'm all in for implementing a MACRO pilot program. As a member of Faith in Action East Bay and the Coalition for Police Accountability, I participated on the Community Engagement Research Team (including a survey presented to the Urban Strategies Council) and continue to closely monitor the implementation process. I'm extremely concerned that the city administration, as was done during the implementation of the Oakland Police Commission, down play the importance of fully and openly supporting the pilot program. Community engagement and a seat at the implementation table with the program pilot district
    CM's must occur and transparency is vital to the success of the pilot. It is well noted and documented that the community, which includes me, wanted a 24/7 pilot. Instead of a 7am - 11pm shift, I urge the City Council to push for a discussion to adjust the hours to start later in the morning and end around 2am. As we all know, a lot more goes on in the dark when no one is watching. We need to keep watch to ensure the safety of the community.

    thank you, Terri

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    Reisa Jaffe over 3 years ago

    The report back on the non-responder positions is nothing more than job descriptions and does not provide information to justify the positions being costed to MACRO. For example, does every City program pay for its own accounting clerk and grant writer? Grants free up general funds so any value gotten accrues to the City as a whole.

    I see value in having someone doing the duties described for the Public Information Officer. Don't see that it needs to come from the MACRO budget. Given the goal of MACRO is to move tasks currently being performed by OPD out of OPD, let's make use of the person filling that role for OPD. There have been things that have come from OPD PIO that don't seem a good use of our tax dollars so reprioritizing how they use their time could get Oaklalnders better value for the tax dollars already being spent.