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Agenda Item

4 21-0922 Subject: Ghost Gun Ordinance From: Councilmembers Kalb, Gallo And Vice Mayor Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.36 "Weapons" To Require Privately Made Firearms, Commonly Referred To As "Ghost Guns," To Comply With State Law, Prohibit Nonexempt Persons From Possessing, Selling, Offering For Sale, Transferring, Purchasing, Transporting, Receiving Or Manufacturing An Unfinished Firearm Frame Or Receiver That Has Not Been Imprinted With A Serial Number And Prohibiting Nonexempt Persons From Possessing, Manufacturing Or Assembling A Privately Made Firearm That Has Not Been Imprinted With A Serial Number

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    Jennifer Birch about 3 years ago

    Hello - I'm a frequent volunteer in Oakland with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. I strongly support this ordinance and am grateful to Council members Kalb, Gallo and Vice President Kaplan for their focus and leadership on this issue. Ghost guns are a real and growing threat in our community.These untraceable guns are a key player in the rise of gun related violence and homicide in our neighborhoods over the last two years. We need to take action on this now and this ordinance is an easy way to both protect community members and support the efforts of law enforcement. I urge the committee to vote in favor of this proposal as stopping the rise in gun violence in our community should receive top priority.

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    Oakland Jody about 3 years ago

    Thank you, Councilmembers Kalb, Gallo and Vice Mayor Kaplan for this recommendation.

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    George Yamashita about 3 years ago

    My name is George Yamashita, I a volunteer with Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America, and a resident of the East Bay.
    I'm concerned about the violence that grips the communities of our neighbor Oakland. Much of it fueled by easy access to guns.
    I support the ordinance introduced by City Council Member Kalb to ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of “ghost guns” in the City of Oakland. Such privately manufactured firearms can be readily assembled by untrained amateurs using common household tools and are untraceable and unregulated. The ease of access to these untraceable weapons contributes to the epidemic of gun violence plaguing the Oakland community. What happens in Oakland happens to us a!l!

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    Lauren West about 3 years ago

    I'm Lauren, an Oakland native and a volunteer with Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America.

    I support the ordinance introduced by City Council Member Kalb to ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of “ghost guns” in the City of Oakland. Such privately manufactured firearms can be readily assembled by untrained amateurs using common household tools and are untraceable and unregulated. The ease of access to these untraceable weapons contributes to the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our community. Support!!

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    June KoDial about 3 years ago

    Anything that we can do to get the guns off of the streets of Oakland will be productive. Obviously we have not figured out how to do that yet because they’re still so much violence in Oakland

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    Laurie Leiber about 3 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland and a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. We are grateful to Councilmember Dan Kalb for introducing this ordinance. I support the ordinance to ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of “ghost guns” in the City of Oakland. Such privately manufactured firearms can be readily assembled by untrained amateurs using common household tools and are untraceable and unregulated. The ease of access to these untraceable weapons contributes to the epidemic of gun violence plaguing us here in Oakland and throughout the state. Among other things, this ordinance will create civil penalties to financially sanction those who seek to profit from distributing these deadly and illegal weapons. Please vote yes to regulated ghost guns.

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    Anna Mahony about 3 years ago

    I'm a resident of the East Bay and a volunteer with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. I strongly support this ordinance and am grateful to Council members Kalb, Gallo and Vice President Kaplan for their focus and leadership on this issue. Stopping the spread of ghost guns in California communities should be a top priority for our cities. Ghost guns are a real and growing threat in our community: 22% of guns confiscated this year are ghost guns, up from 16.5% the year before and 7% the year before that. These untraceable guns are a key player in the rise of gun related violence and homicide in our neighborhoods over the last two years. This ordinance is an easy way to both protect community members and support the efforts of law enforcement. I urge the committee to vote in favor of this proposal.