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Agenda Item

3.7 22-0316 Subject: Fiscal Year 2021-2026 Urban Search And Rescue (US&R) Funding From: Oakland Fire Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To: (1) Enter Into A Grant Agreement With The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) To Accept And Appropriate FEMA Funds In The Amount Of One Million Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy Eight Dollars ($1,238,878) Annually For Fiscal Years (FY) 2021-2026, And Additional Supplemental Annual Funding Not To Exceed Fifty Percent (50%) Of The Original Grant Award Per Year, For A Cumulative Amount Not To Exceed Nine Million Two Hundred Ninety One Thousand, Five Hundred Eighty Fiver Dollars ($9,291,585) To Fund The Oakland Fire Department's Urban Search And Rescue (US&R) California Task Force Four (CA-TF4); And (2) Expend The FEMA Funds In Accordance With The Preliminary Spending Plan Without Further City Council Approval, Including Funding For Training And The Purchase Of Equipment; (B) Waiving The City's Advertising And Competitive Bidding And Purchasing Requirements For Procurement Of Equipment When Required By The Grant; (C) Authorizing The City Administrator To Appropriate Revenue Received From Trainings Provided By US&R CA-TF4; (D) Approve A Contribution From The General Purpose Fund (GPF) In An Amount Estimated At Sixty Thousand, Nine Hundred And Twenty Four Dollars ($60,924) Annually For FY 2021-2026 To Cover Disallowed Internal Service Fund (ISF) Charges Affiliated With Said Grant; On The May 3, 2022 City Council Agenda On Consent

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    Allan Brill almost 3 years ago

    The city-wide Neighbors Defending our Homes Coalition (NDH) generally supports a truly equitable Business Tax. However, this proposal heavily discriminates against Mom & Pop rental providers, demanding a tax rate 35 times as much as grocers, for example. Small rental housing providers (5 or less units) must be separated from commercial landlords & added to the “N. Miscellaneous” tax category.

    Hundreds of small, local rental providers are facing loss of their property, especially during this drastic Covid economic crisis. Yet under the proposal, rent from a duplex, triplex or the basement in your home, even from a family member, will continue to be taxed at the highest rate in Oakland. Other cities exempt such rental providers from local business taxes as responsible public officials understand such rental housing is more affordable & can slow displacement & homelessness, at no cost to taxpayers. Yet this measure continues the sad history of discouraging & punishing providers of lower cost, naturally occurring housing unlike any other Bay Area city. The 2019 Bus.Tax Exemption is a sad hoax--only 60 people applying in 3 years?!?

    The City Council & Mayor repeat concerns about the increasing, rampant displacement of long-time Oakland families, the crisis in affordable rental units, needs for ADUs, and homelessness. Why have Oakland officials totally dropped their equity lens in the matter of taxing small rental providers!?!

    The Neighbors Defending our Homes Coalition