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Agenda Item

2.25 22-0439 Subject: Lead Paint Settlement From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Accepting And Appropriating A Lead Paint Settlement Disbursement From The County Of Alameda In The Amount Of Four Million Seven Hundred Ninety-Seven Thousand, One Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars And Fifty-Eight Cents ($4,797,184.58) Pursuant To A Council Authorized Memorandum Of Understanding For Partial Disposition Of Lead Paint Settlement Funds

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    Pinkie Young over 2 years ago

    (Posted on behalf of EBAYS Interns):


    We are part of the East Bay Academy for Young Scientists, which is affiliated with the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley. As young researchers in the Oakland community, we want to address the problem of high lead concentrations in East Oakland’s soil. We collected and tested soil samples around the Oakland neighborhood near Verdese Carter Park; the former location of a battery factory. Although the area has been remediated in the past, we still discovered lead levels 20 times above the California EPA standard for lead levels in residential areas. This is extremely dangerous, as lead has detrimental effects to the human body when exposed for long periods of time. We support this resolution because the issue of high lead disproportionately affects marginalized communities in our areas, as these samples were found in a neighborhood where mostly Black and Brown people live.

    Riya Puvvada, Ruijia Gu, and Lynnsy Ang
    East Bay Academy for Young Scientists (EBAYS)
    Lawrence Hall of Science
    University of California, Berkeley