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Agenda Item

2.11 22-0656 Subject: Resolution Urging Governor Newson To Grant A Pardon To Phoeun You From: Council President Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Respectfully Urging Governor Newsom To Grant A Pardon To Phoeun You Which Would Allow Him To Remain In The United States And Urging U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement To Release Him From Custody

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    Jonathan Chiu over 2 years ago

    My name is Jonathan Chiu, I’m a district rep for Senator Nancy Skinner to comment on her behalf to show support for this resolution to support the Pardon of Phoeun You.

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    Meg Siddheshwari Sullivan over 2 years ago

    My name is Meg Siddheshwari Sullivan and I live, work, and pray in District #1 in Oakland. I’ve been a resident for 37 years and founder and director of Reiki of the East Bay. I am a minister through Congregational Church of Practical Theology. I’m in FULL SUPPORT of Agenda Item #2.11, A Resolution Urging Governor Newson To Grant A Pardon To Phoeun You Which Would Allow Him To Remain In The United States And Urging U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement To Release Him From Custody. Phoeun You has paid his debt to society and should not be double punished. He has transformed his life around and deserved to remain here in the US with his family. Phoeun is a certified counselor by BAWAR, (Bay Area Women Against Rape), help lead the VOEG (Victim Offender Education Group) Program, a victim awareness program that focuses on unpacking trauma both from the offender and victim’s perspectives, and has mentored so many people, and is a community leader.

    It is important more than ever that our elected Oakland Officials demonstrate leadership and protect our refugee and immigrant community. We call on Governor Newsom to pardon Phoeun You to prevent his deportation to Cambodia, and to allow Phoeun to remain in the US with his family and community.

    Let's do this right, so we don't have to "apologize" later - when it will be too late for Phoen and his family!

    Thank you!

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    Alan Roselius over 2 years ago

    Phoeum is worthy of a pardon.
    Alan R.
    Castro Valley, Ca.

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    Art Levit MD over 2 years ago

    As a 40+ year resident of Oakland, an advocate for fairness and justice, and a believer in offering worthy individuals a second chance, I strongly support the resolution to pardon Phoeun You. Mr. You has clearly evidenced his rehabilitation and now promises to be a valuable asset for our community. Governor Newsom has the power to pardon him and you, as council members have the power to pass this resolution. I urge you to do so. Thank you

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    Elizabeth Ozol over 2 years ago

    I wholeheartedly support the resolution to pardon Phoeun You. Please allow him to return to the Oakland and begin giving back. He has much to contribute as a mentor in the Asian American community. More punishment through deportation is inhumane and unjust. Thank you.

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    Joyce Xi over 2 years ago

    I fully support this resolution and a pardon for Phoeun You. I am a D2 resident. I met Phoeun You inside of San Quentin and he is a valued and respected community member who should be here with community in Oakland already, but instead was sent straight to ICE to be deported just because he was a refugee. This is unjust. Every day his deportation is more imminent, and a pardon is needed now to stop it. Thank you Oakland City council for putting forth this resolution!

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    Julie Litwin over 2 years ago

    Phoeum You was granted parole and is fully transformed and rehabilitated. He is not the same man today as the young person who committed a crime long ago. He has become an amazing teacher and mentor and is needed by his family and community. Governor Newsom can pardon him and prevent his imminent deportation. Please support the resolution urging Governor Newsom to pardon Phoeum.

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    Danny Thongsy over 2 years ago

    My name is Somdeng Danny Thongsy, I am an Oakland City resident of District 2. I strongly support line item #2.11, A Resolution Respectfully Urging Governor Newsom To Grant A Pardon To Phoeun You Which Would Allow Him To Remain In The United States And Urging U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement To Release Him From Custody.

    I have known Phoeun for many years. At San Quentin, Phoeun was a mentor for me who would encourage me to learn more about myself, listen to others, and set my goals in life high. I considered Phoeun as someone who is trustworthy and genuine. Phoeun has worked tirelessly to take accountability for his past actions, and transformed his life by participating in self-help groups/programs, taking on leadership roles in facilitating classes, and mentoring other prisoners one-on-one.

    In 2021, Phoeun was found suitable for parole and recommended for early release in recognition of his commitment to service, mentorship, and rehabilitation. Phoeun is currently detained at Mesa Verde ICE facility and could be deported at any moment.

    More than ever, our elected Oakland officials must demonstrate leadership and protect our refugee and immigrant community. We call on Governor Newsom to pardon Phoeun You to prevent his deportation to Cambodia and to allow Phoeun to remain in the US with his family and community. I urge the Oakland City council and Oakland to pass this resolution. Thank You!

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    Susan Nishizaka over 2 years ago

    I’m in FULL SUPPORT of Agenda Item #2.11, A Resolution Urging Governor Newson to Grant a Pardon to Phoeun You Which Would Allow Him to Remain in the United States and Urging U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to Release Him from Custody. Phoeun You has paid his debt to society and should not be deported. Phoeun has been in important mentor and supporter of the Asian-American community. Please let him remain in California where he can continue to benefit his community.

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    Deborah Lee over 2 years ago

    A pardon for Phoeun You is in the interest of our community. We need him here to contribute to the ecosystem of violence prevention, trauma-informed healing, and strong communities. We welcome here to the Oakland community. -Rev. Deborah Lee, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity