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Agenda Item

4 21-0267 Subject: OPD Automated License Plate Reader Privacy Policy And Options From: Oakland Police Department Recommendation: Adopt One Of The Following Policy Options: 1) A Resolution Approving The Oakland Police Department (OPD) Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Surveillance Use Policy (SUP) And Surveillance Impact Report (SIR); Or

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    Jennifer Findlay over 2 years ago

    I oppose the use of ALPR within OPD. They have not followed through with information to the PAC. There are too many concerns regarding mass surveillance and too few reasons to trust OPD.

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    Prescott Chair over 2 years ago

    After careful review of the City's reports & opinions, independent third party and technology data/material, I support option 1, approving the OPD use of ALPR technology as a much needed tool such as shot-spotter. The City of Oakland should have been the fore-runner using this technology and not one of the remaining bay area cities to adopt it.

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    Ignacio De La Fuente over 2 years ago

    My name is Ignacio De La Fuente and I am running for Mayor of Oakland. Public Safety is my number one priority and I believe that license plate readers are an essential tool that will help proactively prevent crime and increase public safety. Local police departments have adopted this technology like Alameda, Piedmont, and Pleasanton and they have been successful in solving crimes more quickly and efficiently. I encourage you to vote yes on the use of license plate readers as an important public safety tool! Thank you for your consideration today and for your support of my campaign to be the next Mayor of Oakland.


    Ignacio De La Fuente