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Agenda Item

5 22-0817 Subject: Piedmont Library Lease Agreement From: Oakland Public Library Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance: (A) Authorizing The City Administrator To Negotiate And Execute: (1) A 50-Year Joint Occupancy And Lease Agreement With Oakland Unified School District For Property Located At 86 Echo Avenue, With Two 5-Year Administrative Options To Extend And Rent Of $4,000 Per Month Increasing 10 Percent Every 5 Years During The Term For Constructing And Operating A Public Library, Subject To Appropriation Of Funds Necessary For Construction; And (2) A Joint Use Cooperative Agreement With The District For The New Library; And (3) An Extension Of The Existing Joint-Use Lease Agreement With The District For The Existing Piedmont Avenue Branch Library Located At 80 Echo Avenue Until Completion Of The New Library; And (B) Adopting California Environmental Quality Act Findings

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    Ronile Lahti over 2 years ago

    cdcd buildingd is the best
    I am a 79-year-old resident of the Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood and a long-time user of the Piedmont Avenue: Library..The Piedmont Avenue Library has been and continues to be an integral part of our neighborhood. It supports many programs for individuals.families and children throughout the year. I believe converting the

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    Jeff Angermann over 2 years ago

    I have been a resident in the Piedmont Avenue area for 32 years. I remember when we had a library branch in a real building. I strongly support the effort to lease the property at 86 Echo Avenue to establish a library branch in a permanent building. This proposal will benefit the residents of the Piedmont Avenue area and the elementary school. Please vote for the adoption of this agenda item. Jeffry Angermann

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    mae liu over 2 years ago

    Please approve this item!! This is my community library and it is well used by my neighbors and the students at the elementary school. Pre-pandemic, I would often see young families at story time. The library is such a bonding place for the community and has outgrown its temporary location in the trailer. The Child Development building would be a super location for a larger and more permanent site. We, the community, need and deserve this.

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    richard belew over 2 years ago

    This takes a void in the middle of a vibrant community into a resource for all! Win Win!

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    Juanita Gerber over 2 years ago

    My family and I have used Piedmont Ave Library since we moved to the neighborhood in the early 70s. Even in its current tiny temporary location it has provided great services for the neighborhood and the students of Piedmont Ave school who come from the neighborhood as well as the wider Oakland area. Many of the students use the library as a safe place for after school study and for access to the internet. Pre schoolers come for the animated Reading Hours. The abandoned CDC building next door would give space for the library to carry more books on site, to provide ample space for students to study, and for community meetings. I urge you to support this ordinance.

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    Susan Segal over 2 years ago

    My husband and I have lived in the Piedmont Avenue neighborhood since the '70s, and all our children not only attended Piedmont Avenue School but also the Child Development Center, which at that time was a vibrant environment, providing pre-school and after school activities for the children at Piedmont Avenue School. Over the years we've watched with sadness and dismay the abandonment and deterioration of this site. We were equally dismayed when the library was moved out of the lovely building it had occupied for years, and where our children participated in programs, and relocated into the tiny portable it now occupies. Despite its cramped quarters, the library is well used by the community of neighbors and school children from Piedmont Avenue School, children who come from all parts of Oakland. Both the neighborhood and the school would benefit greatly from a library with enough space not only for books and readers, but for community rooms which could accommodate public meetings, exhibits, and classes. Utilizing the old CDC site for this purpose seems the ideal solution. Please vote yes on this item. Thank you

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    Mary McAllister over 2 years ago

    Piedmont Ave Library is my neighborhood library. I am there often to pick up books that have been sent to my branch from other locations. But it is too small to find a book by browsing the collection. I support the proposal to expand the branch by leasing the adjacent child care center so that my neighborhood has a book collection large enough to find a book of interest. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Stephen Cole over 2 years ago

    Please support the lease of the vacant CDC building on Echo Avenue as the new Piedmont Ave branch of OPL. The library is a vital community resource and hub that has long needed new, larger digs. After ten years in the current portable, librarians and residents alike deserve a space that more nearly meets the need of the community and the alchemy that happens in libraries. Vote Yes!

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    Helen Bloch over 2 years ago

    I am a retired Oakland children's librarian, District 4 homeowner and, for the past two years, volunteer reading tutor at Piedmont Avenue Elementary School (PAES). Currently, PAES has a room with books in it but has not updated the collection or had trained staff to help students and staff use the books in this so-called "library." This has been the case for many years. The lack of a functioning school library makes the need for a permanent, expanded public library with a trained children's librarian so much more urgent. Many students at PAES are reading below grade level and the pandemic has exacerbated the situation. Having access to books as well as having access to trained staff who can help students, families and teachers find and use resources is vital for the future succcess of these students. The former CDC building has been vacant for a number of years and its close proximity to PAES makes it a wonderful choice for a permenent OPL site. Until such a site is operational, continuing the existing joint-use agreement is vital. Thank you. Helen Bloch

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    Lauren Gerber over 2 years ago

    This would be a wonderful use of this space for our community. Having the library near the school and in the larger space would allow more use by students and the community.

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    Emily Hawkins over 2 years ago

    I am a community member within walking distance of the Piedmont Avenue library, and I’ve been going to that library regularly with my children since 2012, when we moved here. When I moved here, I was shocked to find out that the library was in such a small and temporary location, but comforted to know that the city was hoping to find it a more permanent location. It’s time for that to happen. The child development center that is right next to the Piedmont Avenue location has been unused for several years. It’s time for it to have a new life and for it to be well kept. Currently it is looking overrun and abandoned. The Piedmont Avenue library is frequented by Elementary school students from Piedmont Ave., Elementary school. As a public school teacher myself, I know that classroom teachers need to have a suitable library to bring their classes too, so that they can learn about the library system and have access to literature. The current Piedmont Avenue library location is very small and is not suitable for class field trips. Please consider giving new life to the child development center and providing better access to reading material and other resources to our community.

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    Arleen Feng over 2 years ago

    I use the library weekly and see lots of children--it would be wonderful to have more spaces for their activities. I support a long-term lease on the former CDC building as described in the info packet by Friends of the Piedmont Avenue Library (at While OUSD's 7-11 Committee also recognized a need for early childhood facilities in Oakland, there is no funding for that use at the CDC and moving the library to that site would also free up space taken by the current portable for use by Piedmont Ave. Elementary School.