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Agenda Item

7 22-0794 Subject: Amendments To Rent Adjustment Program Regulations From: Housing And Community Development Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Adopting Amendments To The Rent Adjustment Program Regulations Approved By The Housing Residential Rent And Relocation Board To Clarify Substantial Compliance With The Rent Registry Ordinance (Ordinance No. 13695 C.M.S.)

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    Phyllis Horneman over 2 years ago

    The rent registry requires owners to provide tenant information to the registry. In some instances, particularly email addresses, owners may not have that information. Email cannot be used to provide notices or official information to tenants. Presumably, email addresses cannot be used by the RAP program to provide official notices either. Why then is the owner required to supply this information which the tenant has not provided? RAP already has the tenant name and address on the registry.
    Also, there is no protection against disclosure of tenant or landlord information. There is no prohibition in the ordinance about disclosure to governments, companies or nonprofit organizations. There is no penalty for disclosure of information. There is no audit to determine if information has been compromised.