Meeting Time: June 27, 2023 at 11:30am PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

5 23-0474 Subject: 14th Street Safe Routes In The City Construction Contract Award From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Awarding A Construction Contract To McGuire & Hester For The 14th Street Safe Routes In The City Project, Project No. 1003959, The Lowest, Responsible, And Responsive Bidder In Accordance With Project Plans, Specifications, State Requirements, And With Contractor's Bid In The Amount Of Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Sixty-Three Dollars ($15,575,063.00); And Adopting Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Sarah Tappon about 1 year ago

    I live nearby on 10th St and often bike on 14th St. I strongly support this project. Currently it does not feel safe - cars often speed through the area, park in bike lanes, and pull out recklessly.

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    Meghan Long about 1 year ago

    As a long time resident of 14th and Harrison, I strongly support this project and hope to see construction start immediately. If these improvements would have happened sooner, maybe I wouldn't have seen my elderly neighbor critically injured by a hit & run driver in 2019, or the dozens of other car accidents I've been witness to along 14th street since 2012. People treating this stretch of road as their personal highway needs to end. We have so many elderly and disabled residents in this neighborhood, most of whom don't own cars, yet face the worst brunt of the dangerous driving. Just this past weekend, an elderly woman who relies on a wheelchair, was telling me that busses often have to drive past her at 14th and Harrison bc cars regularly blocking that stop, and with AC Transits frequency issues, it forces her at times to sit at that stop for up to 30 min. 14th St does not experience a ton of traffic, which allows people to speed and drive more recklessly and this project will do a lot to improve the quality of life for the many of us who call this neighborhood home. Please approve this project and if possible, expedite it. It's desperately needed.

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    Arvi Sreenivasan about 1 year ago

    I strongly support the construction of protected bike ways. When we make it safe to bike and walk, people happily choose to do so! Please move forward.

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    Gavin Lohry about 1 year ago

    Please move forward with the contract for this great design. Having biked down 14th Street between Jackson Street and West Oakland, adding protected bike lanes will be a game changer and allow people of all ages and abilities to use this route. Hopefully real protection can be added to the lane as it crosses over 980 in the final contract.

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    Raul Maldonado about 1 year ago

    Support the contract awarded to this construction group, and look forward to the implementation of multi-use 14th st project. I will note that make sure pedestrian walking and bike navigation is handled during and off hours of project.