Meeting Time: July 18, 2023 at 2:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

S11 23-0399 Subject: Study Session On Proposed Revisions To The Planning Code And Zoning Map, And General Plan Text And Map To Implement Actions Proposed In Phase 1 Of The Oakland 2045 General Plan Update Process From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Conduct A Study Session On The Oakland 2045 General Plan Update Phase 1 Process As Follows: (A) Receive An Informational Presentation On The Proposed Planning Code Amendments To Implement Actions Proposed In Phase 1 Of The Oakland 2045 General Plan Update Process; (B) Receive An Informational Presentation On The Proposed Geographically Specific Zoning And Height Area Map Changes; (C) Receive An Informational Presentation On The General Plan Land Use Map And Text Changes; And (D) Provide Feedback To Staff On The Proposed Planning Code Amendments, Zoning And Height Area Map Changes, And Land Use Map And Text Changes

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    seungyen hong about 1 year ago

    Hello Councilmembers, my name is Seung-yen Hong at BART. We would like to commend the proposed planning code amendment to increase heights in commercial zones along corridors and near BART stations and to increase heights and densities along existing transit corridors. However, we would like to see this approach aligned with the funding allocation criteria for Measure U, so this program can prioritize funding for development projects in proximity to high quality transit. Please refer to our comment letter to the CED for other specific concerns. Thank you and we look forward to our ongoing collaboration with the City.