Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

6.18 23-0862 Subject: OPD Staffing Study From: Office Of The Inspector General Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Awarding A Professional Services Contract To PFM Financial Advisors LLC ("PFM Financial") To Complete A Staffing Study Of The Oakland Police Department (OPD) In An Amount Not To Exceed Two Hundred Eight-Five Thousand Dollars ($285,000) Utilizing The Funds Allocated For That Purpose In The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Cycle Pursuant To A Policy Directive By The Oakland City Council President's Budget Team. Waiving The Competitive Request For Proposal/Qualifications (RFP/Q) Process Pursuant To Oakland Municipal Code Section 2.04.051.B And The Local/Small Local Business Enterprise (L/SLBE) Program Requirements In The Best Interests Of The City

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    Tierra Allen about 1 year ago

    Good evening everyone. My name is Tierra Allen, and I’m a resident of district 2. I am speaking on agenda item 6.18. I want to express my support for the OPD staffing study. I’m so appreciative that the City will finally be transparent about how OPD spends its time. OPD has repeatedly claimed that they are under resourced for responding to violent crime yet 2/3 of the calls they respond to are for nonviolent, noncriminal activity. Most of these calls should be deprioritized or diverted to MACRO and other department responders, and I am looking forward to the staffing study making strong recommendations about this. I’m also looking forward to the study identifying and making strong recommendations for which staffing roles currently performed by sworn OPD officers could be civilianized instead, which could potentially save the city of Oakland millions of dollars. I’m looking forward to the results of the staffing survey and I will be looking to the City of Oakland to make wise choices for the good of true public safety in light of the upcoming increased transparency. Thank you.

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    Prescott Chair about 1 year ago

    The scope of this study is not balanced.

    Simply the scope should include "potentially increasing the number of police officers", "the effectiveness of non-police services and resources to date," and "non-police services and resources effectiveness and assessments" to date.

    Waiving the request for proposal/qualifications is a disservice and not equitable to small and disadvantaged businesses.