Meeting Time: October 08, 2024 at 11:30am PDT
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Agenda Item

Open Forum

  • 2639905729511532
    Mary Forte 4 months ago

    What is the timing for the selection of the Director of OPW? When the final candidates have been selected, the public should have a chance to participate, meet the finalists and give input similar to what was done for the Police Chief and the Inspector General. Please incorporate this in the recruiting/selection process.

    Illegal dumping has become a health issue in East Oakland and should be declared a state of emergency by both the City of Oakland and Alameda County. The current interim Director of OPW said that Oakland was the dirtiest city he has seen. On the way to school my 10 year old grandson looked out of the car window and said that "the City needs to get one billion dollars and just clean up the city". We are letting our future generation down. It is obvious that the current OPW staffing and the many volunteers cannot keep up with the illegal dumping problem. Something must be done now!