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Agenda Item
6.3 25-0221 Subject: Renaming The East Oakland Sports Center To The Larry E. Reid Sports Center
From: Councilmembers Reid, Gallo, Kaplan And President Pro Tempore Kalb
Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt A Resolution Renaming The East Oakland Sports Center To The Larry E. Reid Sports Center, In Honor Of His Legacy And Dedication And Service To Oakland
Renaming renaming the East Oakland Sports Center to the Larry E. Reid Sports Center is just a tip of the hat gesture in comparison to his dedication and the enormous work and accomplishments of former Council Member Larry Reid.
I believe an acknowledgement plaque should be placed at the north entrance of City Hall, which was a common location for residents and constituents engaging Council Member Reid without appointment.
Always open and honest you knew his position. His contributions to the City of Oakland, D7 and D3 and their residents were and are humongous.
I support the resolution renaming the East Oakland Sports Center to the Larry E. Reid Sports Center.
Renaming renaming the East Oakland Sports Center to the Larry E. Reid Sports Center is just a tip of the hat gesture in comparison to his dedication and the enormous work and accomplishments of former Council Member Larry Reid.
I believe an acknowledgement plaque should be placed at the north entrance of City Hall, which was a common location for residents and constituents engaging Council Member Reid without appointment.
Always open and honest you knew his position. His contributions to the City of Oakland, D7 and D3 and their residents were and are humongous.
I support the resolution renaming the East Oakland Sports Center to the Larry E. Reid Sports Center.